Saturday, August 18, 2007

Saturday..Evening...August 18th

Linda asked that I do the Blog..even though I'm still in Eugene...she isn't feeling very well.

Linda reports that she is starting to feel the effects of the radiation on her body..everything to this point has been chemo related..but now she can start to feel the effects of the her her her throat...etc....

She continues to that's good..but she is feeling the body react.

Linda has her good friend Mary today visiting...good news...and daughter Janine continues to be her caretaker til I return tomorrow night...Granddaughter Jillian continues to be a delight for her.

I am finishing the Wings Seminars advanced Crossover seminar has given me many tools to use in the months ahead....this is the seminar that Linda ranks at the top of her life gave her what she has in her life for strength, truth, courage, etc. etc.

I told this Blog in early July the life long CONTRACT she gave herself in 1988 in the Crossover Seminar: I AM AN OPEN, POWERFUL AND COURAGEOUS which I believe we all agree....this CONTRACT will serve her well through this cancer and will be her guide to an ultimate cure....she believes do I. Linda is an incredible woman, living this contract each day of her life.

Tomorrow night I get home to support my loving bride (I still do call her my "bride"..even after 28 years)...we are more in love every day.



Anonymous said...

Linda, hope you're able to get lots of rest today...and pretty soon, Dave will be home. :) The two of you amaze us with your love and strength for each other. It's absolutely beautiful!

Have a great day! :) You're both in our thoughts every day.

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you every day. Rest up...your body knows what to do to heal.
John is keeping a close eye on the weather reports. He was supposed to travel to Cancun with his son on the 30th. Hurricane Dean has nothing on your power to heal. Keep it up, Linda!

Anonymous said...

Tonight I'm hearing music when I think of you -- Debussy's Claire de Lune, Stevie Ray Vaughan's Riviera Paradise, Johnny A's Another Life -- all soothing and calm and peaceful and quietly full of energy. I wish that for you. And here's to being a blonde! Let me know if they really do have more fun... which I think you could use some of right now!!
