Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday....Late PM....August 19th

I got home tonight...a quick run in the motorhome up and over the pass.

I'm with my sweetie....she looks good in the new wig....and healthy except for the fatigue and esophagittus....soreness in the throat caused by the radiation....tomorrow we have another radiation session followed by a visit with the medical oncologist (but no chemo) of them should be able to provide the needed relief for the throat...the medication Linda is now on doesn't do the trick.

Nice..very nice to be back home..thanks to the care givers....thanks...thanks



Jenn said...

Janine just dropped off Jillian. She told me how sassy Grandma looks in her wig. She thinks it is cool!
Jillian said she had fun taking care of Grandma. I'm glad she got to spend some quality time with you. I'm going to email over some pictures of her on her first raft trip. I think you'll like them.
Love you!

KatieB said...

Hey LInda,

I am tracking your success through this terrific blog!

The scarf looks cool, but I can't wait to see you with your sassy wig.

JUST REMEBER....Blondes have MORE FUN!!!! xoxoxo Katie B

Anonymous said...

hi leenda. thinking ofyou and hoping that the throat issues will be dealt with soon....been there done that....bad weight loss program.. there are more good vibes that are out there helping you fight thru this than you can ever imagine. this is just one... love john

Anonymous said...

Linda, has your oncologist discussed ADULT stem cell treatments with you? These treatments use your own cells, not embroyo cells. I know 3 people who have successfully undergone this treatment. One even had a recurrence, did it a second time successfully. It probably would be worth your looking into. Prayers and love to you, Dave, and your family,