Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday Afternoon....August 23rd

Where do I start? This will sound like a report.....and that's the best way I'll do it.

1. Linda went in for another blood test...her white blood cell count is still too low to restart that is cancelled tomorrow..we still might be going in for the "remapping"...we've yet to hear.

2. Linda received a shot to "push start" the white cell production by the marrow...she will get another tomorrow and maybe Saturday....this can cause "bone pain"....but hopefully will get the immune system back up. She has headaches and has medications ofr it which is the same medication for the bone aches.

3. A comment on the "magic mouthwash"..we found out today that the drug mixture Linda is taking for her esopogittis is infact this same medication...she has been "squirting it to the back of her mouth before eating so her tongue doesn't become paralyzed...we learned today that if the mouth sores increase with a yeast infection at the same time...then the medication is used as a mouth wash also. Now she is using the steroid Kenalog in Orabase to deal with the mouth sores (cankers)..this is good till there is yeast and then they deal with that and back off the Kenalog ( all that out).

4. Linda was lightheaded after the blood test...and very unstable...they figured it was in reaction to the "blood let"...this has not happened before....she was fine after drinking some water and lying down.

5. Linda is up 2 and a half we are redesigning her meals, etc to maintain but not lose weight.

6. With the risk of infection high, Linda has to watch for sick folks around her..wash her hands frequently and continue on the antibiotics...She has to report immediately any fever, chills and infections.

7. The shot Linda received to boost the start of the white blood cell production was given in the belly is given under the skin..a new nurse gave it...she is called the "dart lady"..watching her give the shot answers quickly why she is called that!

That's about what I remember...we reviewed all the medications Linda is taking with the nurse one could do all this by themselves is beyond us, we agreed.

I forgot...Linda got up today and when looking in the mirror, noticed a bunch of her hair higher than the surrounding was a clump that was no longer attached to her head...a significant clump.....after showering she also had a towel full of it's started and tonight we will remove all the "healthy" hair so she won't go through it in "bits and pieces".

That's about it...tomight I'll have Linda reporting in..she is napping at the moment. She has what I will describe as a wonderful attitude for what she is going through right now.....



Anonymous said...

Wow. That's an awful lot to deal with and keep track of all at once.

My love to you both as you deal with this. I know you're doing well. It's just so hard for those of us on the outside to watch you go through everything without being able to give you a hug now and then. I guess our comments will have to do.

You're in my thoughts constantly and I send you all the love and positive vibes of the world. Keep your chin up, Linda. This is only temporary. -Cheryl J.

Anonymous said...

Bald is sexy- don't forget that. If Demi Moore and Joyce from Amazing Race can do it, then you definitely can. We won't even bring UP Britney Spears... I'm sure it looks amazing on you!

aaaawwwww.... the joys of not having to shampoo. I'm jealous. You lucky, lucky girl.

I love you A TON!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am certainly getting an appreciation for you and anyone who is on a similar journey to yours. Thank you for taking us along for the ride!

Wendy Soethe said...

Linda, it is so wonderful to hear you have your same spirit with you through this tough time when the treatment can be harder on you than the disease that merits it - that even with hair falling out and those awful sores in your mouth, you are still you and everyone around you recognizes that.

Love you, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Haven't had the chance to tell you how great you looked. You did a great job of picking out the wig.
Janine was right being jealous about the hair. No curling iron to burn your forehead.
Gosh, sorry to read about the other stuff. I know you will get thru this with your "Get're done" attitute.
Say, you have a great in-house nurse, efficient secretary, and great husband. What a blessing he is to you and the family. But you know what that is called "TRUE LOVE"
Love, Janet
Love, Janet

Jenn said...

Jillian and I think you look beautiful. We can't wait to see the bald head! We think that is going to be sooooooo cool.
We love you.
Jenn & Jillian