Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thursday Evening, Aug. 16, 2007

Today seemed like a very long day. The steroids they gave me with my chemo yesterday kept me up all night. I took Vicadin for a headache, Ambien to help me sleep and 2 PMs to help me sleep, and still I roamed the house, read, counted backwards from 100 at least a 100 times, did relaxation techniques, listened to soft music and still watched the clock until after 3:00 in the morning. Sadie the dog woke me up at 6:00, giving me three hours sleep. Not fun!

I was hoping to go wig shopping today, but definitely no energy for that. I did my radiation, though, and had my visit with the dermatologist which was a good visit with nothing to be concerned about.

My brain is hardly functioning right now, it's so tired, so think I'll call it quits. I'm so full of love and gratitude for all of you that my heart is too filled with love to feel too bad. It really helps get me through each day. You'll never know what a big part you are playing in my recovery.

Love and gratitude.....Linda


Wendy Soethe said...

How wonderful to see your pictures! I'm so glad you sent them to dad to post - it feels like I've gotten to see you for a moment. You look great and I know dad looks at you and sees the most beautiful and the sexiest woman on earth! I'm sorry you didn't get hardly any sleep last night - I was up painting until midnight and then couldn't get to sleep until 1 because I pushed through the sleepy point and was then wide awake. We could have had a late night conversation! Hope you sleep better tonight and feel more energetic tomorrow for some fun wig shopping. We're praying for you every day.

Love you, Wendy, Chris and Taigen

Anonymous said...

Hey Lady, just a little word of experience. In most people the pain medication makes people tired, and in a few of us it works the opposite. My body is backwards in regards to vicodin. It hypes me up. Talk at your Dr. and maybe he has another solution for pain medication for you. Also certain types of drugs react differently when combined. It is just a thought. Hope you have a restful nite...Luv Ya, Lil Sis

Anonymous said...

I may not be here in the comment section every day but I am thinking of you every day and every evening. You're doing great! The hair thing is common. A friend of mine taught me that a few years ago. It feels more strange to you than it looks to anyone else. All they do is look in your eyes and see your smile. That's what's important to them.

Love and strength,
Marge (TravelGal)

LaVelle said...

I love you, Linda!

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda,

I loved the pictures you posted. I haven't seen Jim for a long time. He looks the same ....great! And your grandaughter is beautiful.

Some years ago, I sent out a little (really little) tentcard-shaped note as a Cristmas card. The front had a B on it and the inside said Believe! I loved the comments I got from that "Christmas Letter", especially from those whose faith demonstrated that they did believe and the power and peace that they experienced from that.
Hold on pretty lady! Rest assured that God will hold you very close under his wing if you let him. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you.


Anonymous said...

Hey Linda Lou! Hey don't you worry about your hair, I think you look really cool! Remember that you are a beautiful, strong, feminine, wonderful woman because of who you are inside, not because of how your hair looks! You look great...

Much love,
