Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thursday PM....August 2nd

I just want to say again how grateful and humbled I am by all the support I feel from each and every one of you. Some days I feel like I don't deserve it, because I still let myself feel low and in fear of what is ahead of me. On those days, even your cheery words don't seem to reach me. I'm really working on getting control again of my health and well being. I have a talk with myself when I get up in the morning and tell myself how well I feel and how grateful I am for everything in my life. Someday I hope I can say I am really grateful for the cancer I HAD.

Tomorrow we take our coach to the Jamboree to enjoy the last three days of life before treatment. It will be a fun time for both of us, and I'll make sure to get plenty of rest so that I am ready for the big day on Monday.

Thanks for hanging in here with me. It's hard to imagine having to go through this without you.

Love and gratitude.....Linda


Anonymous said...

I think that part of your strength comes from the honesty you have regarding your feelings. It gives you great power to give them a name and move on, rather than stuffing them in a dark place to fester. You have within you all the tools you need. You are such an inspiration to us all!

Anonymous said...

Believe me, Linda, we are all hanging in with you and with Dave. Every day, every minute. Many prayers for Monday. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll be finished.
Love, Marge and Larry (TravelGal and TravelGuy)