Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thursday...Evening...August 9th

Today was a much different day from those of this week so actually went pretty smoothly. Linda says she thought of "acceptance" as her word of the day and focus. Acceptance of where she is and what is ahead for her.

During the radiation session, we reviewed lotions and such with the folks at the Center..we've been getting lots of advice and wanted to know what was the best route etc.. We also met breifly with the dietician and got some advice there too.

Son, Jeff sat with Linda during the chemo session as Dave went over to the dermatologist (Linda goes next week). The chemo went pretty well.....we seem to have a handle on the nausea and vomiting..although tomorrow we go back on another drug regimen for the same....we shall see what that all brings. We asked about the headaches and they want Linda to keep on the medication the druggist recommended...although not much relief yet.

CRF (Chemo Related Fatigue) is still present but Linda clearly understands how it works...."energy collected in the "bank" and then so much to spend".

We went shopping today for more foods Linda will far Linda is a "+2" ie., she is up two pounds from her normal far so good.

Friends stopped by and brought homemade soup and salad...and it was sooooo good. Nice to eat something this "amateur" hasn't concocted. Linda ate a good dinner also...she actually has eaten well today.

The same friends gave Linda a book entitled "There's No Place Like Hope....A Guide To beating Cancer In Mind-Sized Bites". It is a great book with plenty of help in small example........"We don't always get to choose which obstacles we face in life, but from the moment we were given free will it has always been our choice in how we deal with them".

Linda is doing her crossword puzzles..they tell her it is a great way to combat "chemo brain" which comes about from all the chemotherapy.


We're thinking of John and Marilyn (our replacements), all the fans and drivers and Champ Car folks in Road America for this weekend's Champ Car race (ABC Noon Pacific Time Sunday)....Linda wore her Pacific Coast Motorsports vest to chemo today...folks were plenty impressed with the signatures and written good words from drivers Mario and Alex. Thank you again to Katie and Tyler for your kind thoughts and actions. Good luck to all this weekend.

And for the readers of this this Sunday's race to see why we get excited about Champ Car!


Unknown said...

Linda I read your blog each day and every day I am blown away by your attitude and perseverance..You and David are the strongest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

Anonymous said...

One more day this week!! YAY!!! Then you get all weekend to relax and get your bearings back. I love you so much and will see you tomorrow!
love, janine

Anonymous said...

You guys both hang in there. Know all the love and prayers that are coming your way from your pals, casual or not. Stay strong. It's a long road but very doable especially with the support of a spouse such as Dave. That will mean the world to you, even if he is a lousy cook! I mean, scramled eggs, tapioca and Gatorade? I'd be barfing too!


Love to you both and stay strong! With this many people pulling for you ... you can't lose!

See you both in Toronto next year!

porscheman (Brian)

Julie Miles said...

I am so happy to hear that you had a good day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

We are off to Lincoln City for my family reunion so I will NOT have internet until Sunday evening. I will miss checking in with you through this blog.

Please call me if you need anything at all or just want to chat:).... and then Jillian will be over to see you on Monday! She will cover you with kisses and big hugs from all of us.

I love you both,


Anonymous said...

Hello Linda and Dave from the media center in Elkhart Lake. I checked up with your apprentices yesterday and they are doing a great job in your absence! Keep up the positive attitude!
