Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tuesday AM......August 7th

"The you know what hit the fan on Day 2"

Linda felt good last night and we went to dinner with friends..she actually ate well, which was good.

And then.......

And then she woke up about 3:30 am..wired.....which we had been warned about because of the steroids....We went through the new medicines and got the one that was supposed to relax her and lower anxiety and..and.

Within 15 minutes she was sleeping like a rock.

I did breakfast for her and our guests..Linda took one look at it and "upchucked" everything in her system...and we were "off to the races" in other words we were now chasing nausea and vomiting and not able to get ahead of it. Linda threw up all the way into the radiation session and before the chemo treatment.

At the start of chemo they give her nausea medication and steroids through the vein..then the cancer medicine. This calmed her down for the session..but it came back again on the way home. One thing they had done at the infusion session was alter the way the medicines were to be given...it might not seem like much but we are dealing with a whole lot of medicines at one time (so much so we are going to log when each medicine is given , etc so there is no confusion).

I also went to the local druggist who had offered his support at the start of this and got some great help...and more medicines for headache....etc..etc.

So where are we? Linda is sleeping..has about 2 hours of sleep this afternoon and more on the way...the medicines have all been given..she actually drank a smoothie and kept it down. Maybe we are getting ahead of the situation rather than chasing it....as we talked about it in the infusion room this morning...it was amazing to see how many patients were nodding their heads..a lot of wisdom and experience in that room....all on a cancer journey of some type.

Keep the comment section hereunder going..Linda reads it every day..for some reason it has become very important to her...I might even start dropping some comments too!



Anonymous said...

Stay strong, and know that we're all here for you (both of you)! We're thinking of you and praying that the nausea and vomiting will not return.

You're both truly inspirations to all of us! Take one day at a time...

Love ya,
Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Hi, Linda and Dave:
The steroids are a mixed blessing as you will find out. Hopefully, one of the anti-nausea meds will work for you.
Hang in there. I am going to southwest Wisconsin for 5 days with a friend just to sightsee so you won't be hearing from me for awhile. My kids say that I need to buy a laptop and take it with me.
I will tack an Oregon trip on to a Seattle trip and come see you. I have never met you, Dave. I am 3 mos. younger than Linda which makes us the same age.
Thanks, Linda, for helping me figure out how to use this comment section.
Love and prayers,
Ruth Ann

Anonymous said...

ACK!! I'm really bummed about the nausea -- was hoping you'd miss that, L. Well, let's just plan that it means the meds are being IMMEDIATELY effective on those nasty little cells.

Wrapping you in a calming, relaxing, centering glow of golden health and happiness.


Anonymous said...

Hi Linda and Dave

Hearing about your treatments and reactions makes me ache for you both.

Keep strong and positive (easy for me to say). We'll keep praying for you.

We celebrated Ryan's 16th birthday last Saturday. It's hard to believe he's that old. Marlin and Joannie came, too. Jo & the Piersons remarked about how good it was to see you during their recent BB vacation.

Thanks for the pictures you've posted on this site.

Hang on!


Anonymous said...

Keep looking up Linda. God is there for you. You'll get through this with His help, the help of a very supportive and loving husband and family. Janet Chubb

Anonymous said...

John and I are getting ready for Road America. After I read the blog each night I let him know the latest. He says "Hi" and can't wait to be "Linda" at RA. He also can't wait to wear his new CCIC shirt!
The Lance Armstrong bike ride will take on new meaning for us this year. We will be thinking about you.....no, we are not doing the ride. One year of trying to make it up the hill by turn 14 was enough!
Take care and hang in there.

Julie Miles said...



Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet Girl!
So so good to re-connect with you last week in BB. I really have missed you!

I hate hearing how rough your first day was; that seems to be the case until they can figure how what your body can and cannot handle.

I love you and your family so much. Know that I am praying for you and Dave and that these 7 weeks pass VERY quickly.

Keep your chin up - know that you are loved and cherished and that God will see you through.



Anonymous said...

WOW I feel so powerless.. I really dont know what to say except that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I normally dont pray alot. God must be wondering what's up, "I aint heard from her for a while"...Ha Ha...
Just keep the faith...
Love Ya, Both..Lil Sis