Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tuesday Evening.....August 21st

What a difference a day makes......

No radiation today....no chemo today...no doctor trip today....

Linda has been active all day long...I can't hold her down.......she is feeling better...still like "c***" but better.....she got on the treadmill today...did 20 minutes...and some weights....ate a good breakfast...and then some more....and then some more.

Linda's day has been a good one...she is cleaning...eating....no nap.....she sums it up..."more energy" and "Dave kept stuffing food down me" and "I probably overdid it today".



Anonymous said...

Hehe. Making up for it eh? Glad to hear you had a good day!

Lots of love,
Roger and Lisa

Anonymous said...

"If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or fight like hell." ~Lance Armstrong

I had several friends over for a Thanksgiving in August dinner tonight and made them all bring (or gave them) Livestrong bracelets. It was so cool to look around the table and see those bright yellow bracelets on and know that all of these people are pulling and praying for my mother. Yahoo! So many people support you- even people you haven't met. Isn't that just such a cool sign of love?

Thinking of you today and always,

Julie Miles said...

I love you and miss you so much already...
Any chance Dave will be leaving so you will need me to come and take care of you:)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Wonder Woman powered through her day! Keep up the good work and tell that Dave character to join in . . . get him on that treadmill too and working out with weights . . . love to you both -- Rick Epstein.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Wonder Woman powered through her day! Keep up the good work and tell that Dave character to join in . . . get him on that treadmill too and working out with weights . . . love to you both -- Rick Epstein.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a great day! I'm sure it's also because you have Dave home with you again, right?! :)

Hope today's another good one!

Always thinking of you,
Jim and Swee

Julie Miles said...

I am wishing you a PEACEFUL day today!

I love you both..

Anonymous said...

Linda and Dave,

We are so glad you are having a much better day. This is great to hear. We pray you have many more great days like this to come.

With love,

Kathleen & Brad

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear you are getting a day of peace. Keep up the good work, Lil Lady.. Know that you are in my prayers daily..
Love Ya, Both, Lil Sis