Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Wednesday Afternoon...August 1st

This morning we packed up the motor coach and took off for what we figured would be our last carefree weekend. Of course, immediately upon arriving at our destination, I receive a call from the hospital telling me to come in to begin my treatment tomorrow! We had such wonderful plans for the weekend that I begged off until Monday at 12:45pm. I'm now waiting to hear from the clinic for the time to begin the chemo.

We're spending two days out in the woods with no cell phone service, but we have Internet, so we don't feel too cut off. Friday we move the coach to Sweethome, Oregon where we'll spend a fun filled weekend listening to many top western music stars.

It's way past my nap time, so I can't even think. Thanks again for all of your support. It was great seeing so many great friends at the Grand Prix in San Jose. Until next time....

Love and gratitude......Linda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't that just the way? Whatever the hospital can do to mess up your schedule, they will.

Glad your new symptoms aren't related. Bummer to have more things bothering you, but good that they're separate situations.

Always remember the most important words in the universe: DON'T PANIC!

-Cheryl Jones