Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wednesday Afternoon...August 22nd

What a difference a day makes......didn't I say that yesterday?

Linda is "in the pits" today...I think it is because she overdid it yesterday....and she also has started stomatitus ......which are sores in the mouth from the radiation....this is in addition to the esopagitis which is the inflammation of the esophagus.

These conditions were predicted but yet they add more thing for Linda to deal with......she is very emotional....brought on by the fatigue and the symptoms she is suffering.

Anyway, Linda is now committed to more rest and a bit less activity.....I must say I don't blame her for wanting to be active when she feel s bit is her nature to be active. I also don't blame her for being emotional....this is a tough situation for her to bear up under.....and I support her in any state she is in.

Tomorrow is the blood test to see if radiation can be resumed Friday.

On TV today there was a concert by Trisha Yearwood that had a song that brought tears to both our eyes...and it was a reminder of the same song at the Oregon Jamboree by goes in part like this (it's called How Do I? ):

How do I
Get through one night without you
If I had to live without you
What kind of life would that be?
Oh I need you in my arms
Need you to hold
Your my world my heart my soul

Without you
There'd be no sun in my sky
There would be no love in my life
There would be no world left for me
And I
Baby I don't know what I would do
I would be lost if I lost you

Very powerful words.........


ps..Linda just got up from her nap..took her a long time to get to sleep and she does feel a bit more rested...

1 comment:

Julie Miles said...

OK Dave you have brought tears to my eyes again... The love that you two share for each other is one that most of us dream of.... a Fantasy so to speak. While I was with Linda last week she is so thankful and a bit suprised at the love that you have for her. You have stepped up to the plate in taking such WONDERFUL care for her. You are her Rock... and I love you for that...
My life is so blessed by the two of you. I could not imagine my life without either of you! You are both treasures...
I am always here for you and always will be. I am only a phone call away:)
I love you