Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Wednesday PM..August 1st

The way we've calculated things...Linda's radiation begins on the 6th of August and continues for 7 weeks and is completed on September 21st. Chemo begins on the 6th of August and Cycle 1 is completed on August 13th. Cycle 2 would begins on September 3rd and finish on September 10th. After Week 7 of Radiation we understand Linda has 4 weeks of nothing before beginning four 3 week cycles of chemo .




5 ...6 ...7....8...9...10..11WK1

12.13..14..15.16..17..18 WK2

19.20..21..22.23.24..25 WK3





2... 3... 4....5....6....7...8...WK5

9...10..11..12..13..14..15 WK6

16.17..18..19..20..21..22 WK7

.........................Wings...Listening Heart


Anonymous said...

"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead and some come from behind.
But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!"
~ Dr. Seuss

Your spirit and attitude is your bat and I feel some pummeling coming on! We'll beat this. :)
Love you... J9

Jenn said...

I love the Dr. Seuss post. AWESOME! Just keep looking forward. Sun, beach, margaritas on the beach. We will have to find you a stunning sarong. Have fun this weekend. We will call you before we leave town.

Anonymous said...

Thinkin bout ya, it has been a few days since I have talked at ya...
My thoughts and Prayers are with you both.
Hang in there, LIL LADY.

Love Ya Both, Vicky

Anonymous said...

I know when we do Road America we will be flooded with thoughts and good wishes aimed right your way! Enjoy your weekend. Glad you are doing this before the battle begins. Then, pick up your bat and start swinging.....

Anonymous said...

Janine and Marcy were emailing and
I got the news this afternoon. I
can hardly believe it. It must
be someone elses x-rays! I seems
hard to believe that it has been
a year since we enjoyed each others company. I remember how great you looked and we were zipping into town on our walk to
the resturant for lunch. I have
faith that there isn't anything out there that you can't conquer.
That is just the way you are. You
always amaze me. Treat this as
one of your projects.

I spoke with Patti Witt this evening and she is a 2 year Breast
Cancer survivor. We were talking
once and I think at first she
realized that the fear of the
unknown treatment was worse than
the treatment.It slowed her down a bit, but we managed to meet for lunch on days she had treatments. With your good health and how fit you are
you can beat this... All of us will be praying daily for you.

Once you know what to expect from
the treatments then I hope you
will let each of us know how we
can be there for you. I am up for
anything, you just have to ask...

My thoughts and prayers are with
you. Along with Marcy's and Dan's. Tell Dave we are really
proud of him, what a guy!

I will check back later in the

Love, Maureen