Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday Evening.....September 14th

Day 25 of radiation..10 to go (maximum).

Today Linda did her 25th day of radiation and then went over to the clinic for another hydration infusion. She has lost 2 pounds..the first indication of an actual weight loss. We had an extensive discussion with the nurse practitioner.....first, we learned again that Linda is a model the tops in terms of how she is progressing through this very aggressive regimen. It is not unusual for patients to have lost 10 pounds or more at this point in their treatment. and, having said that, Linda needs to keep her nourishment going....the esophagitis has about consumed her..physically and emotionally. is extremely painful for her to eat anything.....her method of eating and drinking is to take nourishment into her mouth...warm it...and then let it slowly "leak" down her throat....not enough...and painful.

In discussion with the nurse practitioner, it appears the viable solution is a feeding tube.....particularly when there is a wedding for Linda to attend at the end of this treatment schedule and the desire to have her healthy (in other words, letting her heath decrease and then built back up after the treatment is not an option). The nurse practitioner is scheduling the insertion of the tube....but we have yet to hear back as to when and other details.

In the meantime, we will be "upping" the pain medication, hoping to achieve a level of pain relief that will be constant....and then using more of the "magic mouthwash" to desensitize the esophagus so Linda can get nourishment down in a greater amount at a "sitting".

This is about the simplest way to describe the session...Linda did receive hydration again which helps stabilize her...she is an emotional rollercoaster....she is in a lot of pain.

Words of encouragement are greatly appreciated.....a call distracts Linda from her misery....the BLOG comments are carefully read.....a visit invaluable....these are tough times for her right now.



Anonymous said...

Linda, you are one tough cookie! I am taking Reiki II tomorrow, which is an ancient healing technique. I took Reiki I several months ago. One of the things I will learn is how to do "distance" healings. If you feel some special energy coming your way tomorrow.....that will be ME! The class is from 1 to 6 central time. Once I learn how to do it, I will send the healing your way every day. If you have not read about this, Tanmaya Honervogt has written several books on the subject.
Dave, I'll send some energy your way, too. Right after I took the first class I cut my thumb quite severely. Rather than taking a trip to the emergency room, I did Reiki on the wound. I was shocked to see how quickly my thumb healed-no stitches needed. Hope I am as good with you two!!!

PTRacing said...

I'm still checking in on you Linda. Hopefully the prayers that I'm sending you will help with getting your strength back. I want to see you in Vegas next year so hang in there. Dave thanks for keeping use informed.

Anonymous said...

Linda and Dave, Keep up the fight! We ae all behind you and both of you are in my prayers!!! God is good, and He is with you. We are with you , too!

In 2001, my dad went through a similar thing, and I just want to add, that although a feeding tube may be a hassle, it may be the right thing to do, for nurishment!

Keep up the good fight!

God Bless,

Ron Reynolds

Anonymous said...

Linda - Hang in there... it sounds like it's been a tough week for you, but you're doing a great job with everything that you're going through. We are thinking of you everyday and are sending you our prayers and positive thoughts!! :)

Dave - hang in there too. I know this is really hard on you too, but you are doing an amazing job!

Relax and have a wonderful weekend! Give us a holler if you need anything...

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Linda, I feel so bad for you but I know all the treatments and hardships you are going through you will I know you will survive. You have went through so much in your life and this is a another giant step in survival. We are not there with you but you can bet we all are thinking and praying for you. Dave, you are doing such a great job. You are a model for the marriage vows"Through sickness and health" I believe that Linda will lick this big C. Go, girl.

Anonymous said...

Linda, you are truely amazing. Your fight is a hard one, and the courage you are showing every step of the way is most inspiring. The hardest thing is to keep positive, so please, on the days when you are down and out, remember the people like us who are out there, praying for you and wishing only the best for you, and draw on our love and energy. It's there for you any time you need it. You are a strong woman, ( you have to be to be married to Dave) who we know will come through this, a little tired and emotionally exhausted, but richer in love, friends and family. Hang in there Linda!

Lindy said...


There may be days
when you get up in the morning
and things aren't the way
you had hoped they would be.
That's when you have to
tell yourself that things will get better.

There are times when people
disappoint you and let you down,
but those are the times
when you must remind yourself
to trust your own judgments and opinions,
and to keep your life focused on believing in yourself
and all that you are capable of.

There will be challenges to face
and changes to make in your life,
and it is up to you to accept them.
Constantly keep yourself headed
in the right directions for you.
It may not be easy at times,
but in those times of struggle
you will find a stronger sense of who you are,
and you will also see yourself
developing into the person
you have always wanted to be.

Life is a journey through time,
filled with many choices;
each of us will experience life
in our own special way.

So when the days come that are filled
with frustration and unexpected responsibilities,
remember to believe in yourself
and all you want your life to be,
because the challenges and changes
will only help you to find the dreams
that you know are meant to come true for you.

Linda- Hang in there!!! Lindy

Anonymous said...

The side effects show that the treatment is working. Keep your spirits up, keep getting all the nutrition you can, and BELIEVE. I believe in you and in your determination to beat this and that you will beat it.

Ginnie said...

Linda and Dave,

Thanks for sharing. The print made by Viza is one of a beautiful woman, just like you Linda Lou. Your hugs at the picnic meant a lot to me and I am proud to be part of your posse. I hope the feeding tube helps with your nourishment. It should help you regain some strength. Is it cold there? Hope you are staying warm and cozy. Sorry Sadie is under the weather too! What a pair you are! Remember when we tried to bargain pet insurance Dave? Crumpy had a fit. Wasn't a bad idea. lol Love you both.

Anonymous said...

Wrapping you in that golden glow of health and harmony and energy. I think about you every day, L, and keep you in my heart. It's a tough stretch, one I'm too familiar with. You are doing great, even though it feels like hell. Just keep going. Nurses are pleased with your progress -- calling you a model patient!! That says a lot. I don't think I've ever been a model anything -- more like the bad example. ;-) So already you're doing better than me.


Anonymous said...

Hi Linda: Although I can't be there, or bring by somthing delicious for your family to munch on, which includes you! We all are keeping you in our prayers, I called my sister in Arizona after I heard about your plght, I stayed with her during all her chemo in Corvallis, she is now approaching 10 years clean without "C" Dave be strong, as I know you are and Linda, well, its not much but I walked 2.5 miles for you today. Monica in Salem

Anonymous said...

Oops, I re-read my comments and it sounded like Linda, was to be the "munchie"!! sorry about..hope it makes you smile. Monica :)

Peter Leung said...

Stay strong Linda! You're almost there... Keep up the @$$-kicking!

PS: The bald head is hot. ;) You can be the woman who's all about earrings.

Anonymous said...

I like that flowered shirt! Hope it brings you good vibes from Tahiti. A walk to the mailbox....any accomplishment is good. You have taken some very BIG steps in your recovery already. John and I both send you our prayers. I know you aren't big on talking on the phone, but give me a call if you want to chat.