Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday Evening, Sept. 7, 2007

Dave asked me to post again for the second time this week. I'm beginning to think he may be falling down on the job!

It's been a wearing week doing both the chemo and radiation, but I'm glad to have it almost behind me. All the nurses and aides at the chemo center are wonderful and so supportive that I actually miss them when I don't have chemo.

I actually had a Cat Scan this morning rather that x-rays, but I don't have the results yet. If there is a significant enough reduction in the tumor, they will do a new template the middle of next week. I sure pray there is. My oncologist was gone, so I met with his partner, but she really didn't have much to say.

The esophigitis has been bothering me more than ever (probably because of the chemo and radiation together this week), so they are increasing my dose of Prevacid again. I got very little sleep last night because of the pain of it. I think I'll take extra sleeping aids tonight to see if I can get more sleep. We have an 8:00am chemo in the morning and plan to drive to the valley afterwards, so I want a good rest tonight. I realize the trip will probably be draining on me, but I know the distraction of visiting with friends and family really helps.

Thanks again for all your comments. They are all so beautiful and bring tears to my eyes.

Love and gratitude......Linda


Anonymous said...

Just a you sleep in a recliner? I don't know if what you are experiencing is the type of "heartburn" that Skip had, but he took Prevacid for it. And, he was better off if he slept mostly sitting up. (feel free to ignore Dr. Ruth)

Have a good weekend. Fall is fast approaching here. The high on Sunday is to be 60.

Love and prayers,
Ruth Ann

Anonymous said...

Linda, I can't imagine the constant pain of heartburn
You are so strong, girl. I better those nurses are awed by your determination and attitude. I can't believe how beautiful you look bald, sleeping and resting. You are Super Woman. Thinking of you everyday.