Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday Morning......September 21st

Day 4 in the hospital......

I got the call from Linda's doctor early again today.....he said her blood counts were improving and that she had torn her feeding tube out...and she wasn't going anywhere today (meaning checking out of the hospital).... I rushed down there as fast as I could....

No one really has the story..but it appears Linda got up about 10 pm in her morphine and ambien state, perhaps to use the bathroom on her appears she tripped....or...or....anyway the feeding tube was pulled out...and the commode was busted. The good news is it didn't hurt her and she doesn't quite have full story herself. They said she was standing in the hall with the tube in her hand!

Now they will be scheduling a time to put the tube back in...which involves a trip to xray on the first floor and the long process of insertion.....the bad news is it appears she got very little of her "meal" last night.

Today we took a walk around the ward....Linda in her mask (to avoid germs), holding onto the back of the wheel chair, and the nurse steadying her and I rolling the meds attached to her. The lady did the entire loop! Now with a little rest, she is going to take a shower and get ready for Janine's arrival.

Her pain level seems better....



Julie Miles said...

Linda... we love you! It is a sunny day here today on the coast. Jillian is doing great in school. She is loving her teacher. They did a skit for an assembly this week and Jillian had a big role, front and center. She was not nervous at all and Trevor has practiced with her to learn her lines. She was so Brave you would have been very proud. I think she will be a speaker, actor, etc... some day. She enjoys the spotlight.

Enjoy some good food today since you are running on empty. Hang in there Dave... are prayers and thoughts are with you

Julie, Jillian & Family

Anonymous said...

Linda ~ I just wanted you to know that I've been reading the blog and praying for you and Dave, as well as the rest of your family daily. Shelly and I are looking forward to seeing you at Road America next year, so just keep up the fight, you're doing great; your courage is very inspiring!
Love, Katrina {Champ Car Coordinator for RA}