Monday, September 3, 2007

Monday Evening....September 3rd

It's time I check in as it has been awhile since I posted. I should let Dave have a day off once in a while.

I had a good night's sleep last night and woke up feeling a little more positive today. Starting the day off good is important to me. My emotions were all over the place yesterday. I actually don't know why some days are more emotional than others. I've just learned to accept it and work harder on those days to keep a positive attitute. I know it's important for me to feel my feelings rather than bury them, so sometimes, I just let the tears fall. It's not all sadness, though. Sometimes, the gratitude I have for all my love and support brings me to tears. I just seem to "feel" more deeply than ever before.

Dave took me for a drive up the mountain today to watch the fire. It's over 5300 acres now and they evacuated Black Butte Resort of over 1200 homes at 2:30 today.

Thanks again for all the cards, emails, comments and gifts that you have sent.

Love and Gratitude



Anonymous said...

It is so good to hear from you. I have been on the medical merry-go-round with John's mother. (John is in Cancun til Thursday with his son.) To make a long story short, she died yesterday. At 91, you get to do it your way, and she certainly did. You are working the positive angle.....she was just stubborn! Anyhow, I read the blog every day. As I have mentioned before, keeping up with your progress is important to us. Thanks for sharing your journey!

Lindy said...

Linda- I think of you every day and send positive thoughts in your direction. You are in our thoughts. Can't wait for you guys to meet our Lola. :-) Love, Lindy

Eric Gagnon said...

Hi Linda, keep feeling positive. It is the best feeling you can have. I miss you and Dave greatly and look forward to seeing the both of you very soon.


Anonymous said...

You are as beautiful with no hair as you were with. Only goes to show that looks really do all come from the inside. You have such a great heart. Like you, I read "The Secret" health section regularly and think of you as I do. You are so special to me. Wish I were closer. Love ya, Judy

Anonymous said...


You look great with or without hair... it's your smile that always captures our hearts. :) We just wanted to drop a note to let you know that you're always close in thought. Hope today's been a good one for you.

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

I understand what you mean about being more emotional through all of this. That's what happened to me while dealing with Mom's cancer. It's still there... I'll cry at the drop of a hat. My emotions are often on my sleeve, usually when I least want them to be. But, better to let them out than have them bottled up inside.

I think your bald look is terrific!! It takes a lot of bravery to let people see you like that, but it gives us all a chance to see how beautiful you always are, with hair or without! Hair doesn't make the woman... soul makes the woman. You are an inspiration to everyone who reads this blog and we are all so very fortunate to be able to accompany you on this journey. It helps us, as much as it helps you, to understand what you're going through and to see the real face of cancer; the face of a survivor.

Keep believing, Linda! We're all believing with you. - Cheryl J.

Whitehoopster said...

Linda & Dave

We are finally home and just wanted to say many thanks to our very fine host and hostess. It was great visiting with you last week. You are both so very special - we could feel your stength and love for each other during our stay. Thank you for insisting that we spend time with you. You are both so amazing!!!!!

Kim & Ernie

Ginnie said...

Hey cutie pie! You look so cute and innocent in the picture. Think our emotions are always nearer the surface when we don't feel 100%. Worry about you in that smoke over there. Hope it is not bothering you. Take care. Thanks for sharing your story. Love you sweet Linda Lou.