Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday Late...September 17th

Where do I start......

Today was a day that out did any other day.....

Linda went to the medical oncologist nurse practitioner...who immediately canceled the 26th session of radiation...and put her into hydration for 3 hours (a first).....She also reviewed the medicine changes as a result of the emergency room visit yesterday and added a couple to reinforce things and further deal with the pain.

After the hydration which included 8 mgms of morphine......Linda seemed to settle down a bit...we then went over to the radiation to remap the area for radiation....they did so (remember the remapping is to protect the spinal cord) and then informed Linda radiation was off until a week from Tuesday (8 weekdays)...and that they had computed that she needed 34 total days instead of 35 (which we had known was a possibility)..she then finishes in three weeks..just before the week of the wedding in Mexico. (more on that later).

Linda then went to get her tube put in for feeding..they use an xray machine that shows the whole thing..and I got to the tube went up the nose..down the throat...and into the was supposed to go into the small intestine but refused. So we had to quit and go over to the diet feeding place where they showed me how food is put into a big "hypodermic device and then linked up with the tube and food, medicine, etc is pushed into the tube and down into her digestive system. Then we went back and with one more effort, the doctor was able to properly place the device.

We then headed home by way of the pharmacy to get more medications...we got home and I immediately started to feed her..we use ENSURE...and it will take a minimum of 5 cans a day...and on Wednesday we meet with a dietitian to further figure out the feeding course. Son Jim showed from West Linn to help for a couple of days...Son Jeff is coming Wednesday and Thursday..and there are more coming...I have realized I cannot do this all by myself..I am worn out.

Anyway, we fed the medications in her and set her up for bed....with one more moment of excitement..her pulse was way too high..I checked with the doctor on duty and he had us increase her heart rate medication....and put her to bed...I monitored her several times...she seemed to settle down and was sound asleep..please remember she didn't get nap time today because of all the stuff going on..hence her acting a bit wiped out.

Jim and I then prepared dinner and sat down to eat...AND THEN..we heard a noise upstairs in the bedroom....I rushed up there and thought I would see that Linda had fallen out of bed..or..or...

Nope, she was weighing herself.....really!

We put her back to bed with a stern warning.....

Tomorrow it's back in for more hydration....and another examination by the nurse practitioner...I could tell looking in her eyes today that she was close to tears...she said over and over that Linda was not one to complain and that she was in a lot of pain before she said anything....Linda means a lot to these committed people..all were very concerned about her again today.

This is about what I remember..again, I am wiped out...I don't want too many more days like this one or a couple of days like the ones we just went through.


ps...Linda got up one more time..she needed more pain medication which I "expertly" (after one previous try) administered using the feeding tube...hopefully we will not see her again tonight.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that the two of you have had a few tough days, but you made it through... hopefully this feeding tube is going to help with nourishment. Hang in there, both of you. I know we can't be there in person to help, but please let us know if there is anything else we can do.

You're in our thoughts and prayers every day. Hope today is a better one!

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

We know y'all are going through really rough times (I would say hell), but remember the side effects show that the treatments are doing something. The break in radiation treatments will give the esophagitis a chane to get better. The problems with hydration should also get better. Then only 9 more radiation treatments.

Linda--keep believing and fighting this. Take 1 day at a time and focus on getting through it. We believe in you and believe that you WILL beat this.

Dave--take care of yourself. Take all the help you can in taking care of Linda. You can't help her as much if you are wiped out.

Both of you--we love y'all. You are in our thoughts daily.

Cheryl Jones said...

All my love to you both, Dave & Linda. I hope you'll both get a chance to recover from some of the exhaustion and frustration now. This is so much for the two of you to bear. You're doing a great job of handling it all, though, in spite of the down days and the difficulties that keep popping up. You're muddling through it all and that's the best anyone can possibly do.

Positive thoughts to you both.

Anonymous said...

We just wanted you to know we're hanging in here with you and think of you often as we include you in a little prayer.

Everyone over on the Champ Car Fan Forum Boards wishes you well too and we're all excited about seeing your smiling face back in the paddock next season.

But first it's all about you and making you better. Know that even in your struggles, you bring strength and inspiration to everyone whose path you cross.

Dave, thank you for being Linda's guardian angel during this time of need. We may laugh at the idea of a halo over your head, but it's so true!

We wish for a better, healthier day for you tomorrow!

Shelly & Jason Paul

Anonymous said...

Dave and Linda,
Every day I check this blog to keep up with how you are doing. You are certainly two amazing people. We will continue to keep you in our prayers.

Whitehoopster said...

Dave & Linda

Been reading the blog daily, wish we were there to help out somehow. It sounds like you are in the thick of it, but the treatment end is close. Stay strong, we know you are both trying so very hard!

If there is anything we can do for you at your home here in Florida, just say it, and it's done! Otherwise, we will just keep sending our daily prayers for the both of you. Miss and love you both.

Ernie & Kim

Ginnie said...

I got a card for you two today but didn't get it sent off. Will tomorrow. Just a pretty card that reminded me of you. Hope you are feeling better today and that both of you are getting some sleep. Love you.

Lindy said...

Linda and Dave- Hang in there. Things should start to get better now that the feeding tube is in. Our little Lola had one of those and we fed her via the syringe for one month. ;-) It worked like a charm :-) Linda you are doing great!!!! so are you Dave!!! Keep it up and remember there is a end in sight to all of this. Stay strong and get some rest. Love, Lindy, Jason and Lola

Unknown said...

Dearest Linda and Dave,
You know how we all feel about you and wish to alleviate the burdens of each day. Our hearts are wrenched by your pain - our love rises above it to the place where love conquers all. "Love never fails. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." A website with inspirational messages comes to mind.
