Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday Evening....September 22nd

The drive to the end......tomorrow is the day.....

These pictures are "living proof" that Linda is doing much, much better.....two obvious signs....a smile and no tubes (except the feeding tube up the nose of course)....

The Hennessy....friends...stopped by....and delivered a prayer shawl Sallie nice of them...Linda used to make the shawls herself for the she was given one...."what goes around, comes around..."

Linda had a lot of visitors today.....cousins John and Pat Taylor from Nebraska, Janine's friend Lindy and son Jeff...daughter Janine has been here most of the day helping her mom.

Enough said..the smile says it all....

What do we think things will look like? Tomorrow Linda will most likely get to go home.....her tube feeding will continue at home along with pain medications, nausea medications, etc, etc. ...for how long for the tube we don't know..most likely until she can swallow without pain....Monday we will most likely go back to the Clinic and test the blood and everything and get the signal to continue with the radiation.....then on Tuesday back in for the 26th day of radiation in the hospital radiation center...Linda also will have a visit to her new primary physician in the branch clinic on the other side of town to recheck her hormones and heart medications on Tuesday......Wednesday radiation session 27.......son Jim will be coming in Monday and Tuesday to help.



Anonymous said...

Dear Linda,
So good to see your gorgeous smile again. I pray you continue to feel stronger each day and that the next few radiation treatments go well. You are a bright light to all who see your radiant smile. Keep healing, my friend.
Kathy I.

Anonymous said...

Wow... it's so great to see that smile on your face again, Linda! :) Glad you're feeling much better now and can get to go home.

Dave - hope you're been able to recuperate a little too with the help you've had. :) Wish we were closer to lend a hand too, but just know that we're only a call away if you need anything.

Hope things go well this week! Keep smiling and believing!!

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

WOW, This has been quite the learning tool. I never realized the process the people went through just to beat this horrible disease. I am so astounded at what a magnificient trooper you have been, both of you. I do not believe I would be able to be that strong. You two are teaching me so much of how true faith works. Hang in there beautiful lady, Love that pretty smile, and happy to see it back. Luv Ya, Lil Sis

Anonymous said...

Linda, You made everyone's day with that beautiful SMILE. Now we know you are get better. We will continue to pray for strength for both you and Dave. Just remember we love you and care about you.
Janet and Ken