Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday Afternoon.....September 23rd

Linda was released from the hospital today..she has been napping most of the time since returning home....

Today I will start the home feeding on the "pump" requires 13 hours of feeding through the tube with the pump to get her 1,875 calories...and then there is the water on top of that...and the this is a big process. I think the only way to succeed is to involve Linda in the process as her brain is free of the morphine....she is now using a patch for the pain management.

Tomorrow we meet with the nurse practitioner...her medical oncologist also returns from his European we hope things are back on track. The medical oncologist who has been treating Linda while she was in the hospital and while her regular oncologist was on vacation told her not to assume she will begin radiation again on we have to take things a step at a time..

Linda's blood counts are back up and her pain is being managed.....if we can keep her rested and fed...we will be ahead in things.....son Jim is coming tomorrow to help out. Linda's brother Marlin and sister in law Jonie are coming later this week to help. My brother Darron and sister in law LaVelle are in their motorhome traveling down the hiway from Alaska and will spend up to a month helping out...."the Calvary is on its way!"



Anonymous said...

There is no better medicine than family and home!
Margaret D.

Anonymous said...

You're home! Wonderful!! One step at a'll get there. I hope the healing continues and you feel stronger and stronger.
Kathy I

Julie Miles said...

I am so glad you are HOME... Call me if you need me to come over and help.. even if it is just for a couple of days... I love you both and look forward to seeing you soon...
Jillian is great and being such a good girl... We were going through her room and she found a blanket that you had made for her when she was born, it is her lavendar receiving blanket that I have let her play with. She has been carrying it around everyday and sleeping with it everynight... I think it is her way of being close to you.. She loves you sooooooo much! We all do....

Julie & Jillian

Julie Miles said...

PS.. I got out her quilt that you and G-ma Maxine made for her... It is now on her bed. She loves it and it still looks like the day you made it...
It is such a wonderful keepsake!