Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday Evening...September 30th

Not much new today.......Linda had somewhat of an upset stomach which slowed her down....she is on her 4th "food can" as I type this....we've been having some variance in the metering of the food, so I plan on returning the device tomorrow and get a new one..don't need that problem.

Darron and LaVelle spent a quiet day, recuperating from the Alcan hiway trip....Linda was also tired but did some active things, which I'm trying to encourage.

Tomorrow is the last week of radiation...5 sessions to go.



Anonymous said...

It is so nice to see your smiling face. Glad Dave is keeping up with the pictures. Only five more to I hope the next few days are really boring and uneventful.

Anonymous said...

last week!

Live Strong!

Unknown said...

When you can see light at the end of the tunnel, you have to feel empowered...YOU GO GIRL!!

Julie Miles said...

You are so AWESOME! We love you.... 5 more days to go....

Jillian wants you to give Darron and Lavelle hugs and kisses for her.... Maybe we can come and see them while they are here...

Please call me if you need anything... We love you, we love you, we love you...

Julie, Jillian & Family

Wendy Soethe said...

You are doing GREAT! Only 5 more days!!! There are many people up here praying for you and Taigen has got best friend Grace praying with her for you too. :)

Love, Chris, Wendy and Taigen