Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday Late...September 16th

Tough day today.....

Today started with Linda being up very very early with consistent the esophagus area....they use a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 the worst..she described her pain as a 10....the first time this has happened...she thought pills she had taken during the night has stuck in her throat...

The physician in the clinic we were to call after hours directed her to hospital emergency immediately.....

When we got there, the pain was persisting.....

To make a long and painful story short, there was no blockage or anything stuck in the esophagus.....rather, it was the cumulative pain as a result of the radiation, lack of sleep (two bad nights in a row), and a less than adequate diet (it has been a real struggle to eat).....they were actually afraid of a cardiac arrest initially but an EKG calmed those fears...

They gave Linda morphine and the pain shot right through that..they gave her a patch of a narcotic I don't remember the name....and the pain continued..more morphine...and ativan..and...and Linda's pain started to calm down......but still waves of "8's".....

The doctor prescribed new deal with the pain.

He was very clear in that the pain must be managed.....the diet must be manged...and the sleep must be was clear to us that if the pain is manged, the other two will follow. .....particularly when and if a feeding tube is put in.

Anyway, a lot more happened but this is the essence of it....the doctor said Linda was in the worst part of the radiation.....and it is true...I am very afraid about Linda's will to continue if this pain cannot be better times today she was ready to give up.

Tomorrow we meet with the medical oncologist (actually the nurse practitioner)..we hope to get on top of was a bad, bad weekend....and there are two weeks of radiation left......Linda also gets remapped tomorrow in radiation.



Anonymous said...

I hate it when I think my troubles are worst, and then I come to your blog and realize that my stuff aint s---. I have been away for a few days caught up in my childrens self made crisis. I am sad to hear that you are really goin thru it. I really wish I could relieve some of your pain. Or at least carry it for awhile. So you could rest, and eat. You are quite the amazing lady and what a trooper. I cannot even imagine. Please hang in there lady. I know that God has something wonderful in store for you. God has already blessed us, your friends and family, with you. Take care of you, Luv Ya, Lil Sis

Julie Miles said...

Linda, I love you so much and my heart hurts when I read how tough this is for you. I wish more than anything I could change places with you even for just a day! You are so amazing and I know how strong you are. You can do this Linda, do whatever it takes and make sure those doctors are doing everything they can for you.... As we talked before be the squeeky wheel, and if you cannot there is always Dave.... which we know he will!

I love you both, and Dave let me know if I can come over and help out at all... even if it is to grocery shop, clean the house, run errands or just to sit with Linda... Call me anytime...


Cheryl Jones said...

Oh gosh, Linda. I'm so sorry that you have to go through all of this. I wish sincerely that there was something I could do to make you feel better. This is such a tough time for you, but I know you'll get through it. The desire to give up is normal and I'd be surprised if you DIDN'T feel that way! There's only so much that Dave, or any of us, can do to help you and the strength must come from within you. I know that it's an extreme struggle sometimes, but I also know that you have that strength, deep inside you. You're going to have to reach down, for every last scrap of courage and fortitude you can reach, so you can get through this.

You're a brave woman, Linda, and I cannot begin to express how impressed I am by your strength. I love you (and Dave) dearly and you are always in my mind. If I could send you more strength, I would do it happily. Please stay strong and please keep believing. This is the fight of your life and I know you will be victorious.

Anonymous said...

Linda, I just wish some of us friends and family could take part of that pain for you. Just remember dear one we are here for you. You continue to be our shining light. I would like all your friends and family at 10 o'clock NE time and 8 o'clock your time tonight and tomorrow night pray that the Lord will give you strength to
continue and easy the pain.
Also, lets remember Dave in that prayer.
Linda, I know prayers can help so everyone lets do this for Linda.
Love you,

Wendy Soethe said...

We'll be praying in Seattle at 8pm tonight and tomorrow as well as other times! Both of you, please don't even think of giving up, remember there is an end in sight to the radiation which will lead to the cure. We can't relate at all to what you are going through but think of childbirth and how painful that can be but the reward is so worth it. And it has an end - this too will end. We love you, Chris, Wendy and Taigen

Julie Miles said...

My sweet Linda...
I printed out one of the pictures I took of you and Jillian with your BELIEVE sign and put it up in our living room...Dave can you print one out for Linda? We have a candle lit in front of your picture... Your smile radiates as well as Jillian's... You have 2 wonderful grandaughters that LOVE you and BELIEVE in you....Stay strong and Believe in your strength and courage..... We all Believe in YOU..

I love you, Julie

Anonymous said...

What a great idea....I will watch the clock tonight and join the prayer group. Linda, hang in there. Dave, you too.

Julie Miles said...


We shared a moment of prayer for you.. Our candle is burning... You are so amazing. You mean more to us than you will ever know...
Fight, Fight, Fight!

We love you

Julie, Jillian & Family