Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sunday Night...September 9th 21 of radiation (out of 35)...and day 6 of chemo (out of 6..cycle 2)

One of the side effects of cancer is fatigue..much different than being tired....a cancer patient has to be acutely aware of energy accumulation (through rest, diet, attitude and exercise) and energy's been explained to us like a bank account with deposits made and expenditures made.....and one cannot spend more than deposited in the account (unless you are one of the previous "buyers" of our pub who in a new pub business cashed 290 checks for $500,000 he didn't have....and you guessed right..he's in jail as we speak).

Anyway, the reason for this review (with the side shot at the pub buyer who was in on doing us in for $200,000) is that Linda spent a lot of energy yesterday ..beyond that that she had today was tough for her.....the esophagitis continues to create the "flamethrower" in her chest......she is incredibly amazed at how this in an instant disappeared last night at the picnic..she wants to find that formula again.

While looking over the Portland area for land and houses, Linda was able to get some naps in and slept all the way home.

Tomorrow we meet with the nurse practitioner and hope to continue the search for a solution to the esophagitis...we also pray that the white cell count is such that there is no interruption of the radiation sessions.



Anonymous said...

Hope you're able to put some more energy in reserve the next few days. Sounds like you've depleted your "push to pass"! ;-)

Sending good thoughts to you, as always. You're doing an amazing job getting through this! - Cheryl J.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sweet Linda: A voice from the past, (No not a ghost!)Monty passed along this "blog". It juust simply is not fair, I look back and recall all that you have endured, and also think of our 2 stubborn boys, that just had to test our limits..! I remember you once told me and I have passed this along to Monty on many occasions, "if your going to do somthing to endanger yourself, do it up good" sounds now like you have again survived somthing unthinkable. There really isn't a day that passes I don't think of you and all the things you taught me and your beautiful voice and positive attitude...take care Linda, my prayers are with you. Monica Miller