Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thursday Afternoon...September 13th

A day that started in the toilet......Day 24 of radiation

Linda awoke , physically and mentally "in the toilet".....she was still nauseated and emotionally spent.

The nurses in radiology took a look at her and were also concerned..they offered some suggestions on the nausea and though perhaps if Linda looked like this tomorrow she should go back and get some more hydration. Once radiation was over, Linda had a dermatology appointment but they were already running way behind at 9:30...Linda was in bad shape so we said "screw that" and left...there are more priorities than waiting an hour for a dermatology appointment (particularly when they've blown it already twice for a skin condition problem).

I then drove her over to the infusion clinic to get some help on the situation (nausea, etc. etc.). The nurse practitioner took a look at Linda and sent her into the infusion the bed....and started infusion of nausea medications and hydration. They also did a blood analysis for blood cell counts and sum it up, the red blood cell counts are down so the booster has yet to "kick in"...the electrolytes are OK.....this is why she is not having much in the "gas tank"......the nausea is being caused by the "cumulative effect" of the chemo and also most likely by the pain medication for the esophagitis.

Tomorrow after radiation (day 25), we go back for more hydration, etc. My mind is a bit more at ease as I felt a bit hopeless over one night..having to look at a whole weekend of possible trouble was something I was really concerned about.

Linda is in much better shape as I write this....the esophagitis still still is painful to eat..but physically...and mentally, she is in much better shape...not the best but better. Having to physically and mentally endure all this treatment is taking it's toll.

More later.



Cheryl Jones said...

Good thoughts and all my love to you both for better days ahead (soon!). I feel so bad that you have to go through all of this, but, as you've said many times, it's the path to the cure. This is temporary suffering and, in the end, you will recover and will feel much better.

As Dave gets through the Harry Potter books, you'll both eventually learn to conjure your patronus to protect you when you need it. It's not so far from reality...

Love to you both!

Anonymous said...

Hello Linda and Dave,
We miss seeing you on the Champ Car trail. The two European races were wonderful. You're going to have to gut this out Linda, and I know you can do it, because all your friends in the Champ Car paddock can't wait to see your smiling face again.

Both of my parents went through radiation and chemo over the past two years so I know the hell you are going through right now. Our prayers are with you.

As you may have heard, Champ Car has had a couple of races on its schedule cancelled (Phoenix this year and San Jose next year) with some others, including Portland, iffy for next year. We know that race means a lot to you and Dave so we're hoping it survives. Laguna Seca is back on the schedule, we hear in May next year. Things are not too rosey in the IRL camp either. All their best talent is fleeing to NASCAR.

Mark C. from

Lindy said...

Linda- Hang in there. You are doing so well with all the pain and everything you are going through. You have a huge team of players rooting for you. Thank you and Dave for keeping us updated. I am thinking of you and sending many blessings your way. Keep your head up and just keep thinking CURE CURE CURE.
Love, Lindy