Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday Afternoon....September 20th

With Linda's hospitization, she has to be up for a period of time to prevent pneumonia, etc. etc.. The good news is she got a shower too! (it was a bit complicated with the tubes and all...but it worked). We took a few trips in the wheelchair around the ward asking people the way to Costco because we wanted some pizza. We also told the nurses we were scouting for a better room...even though all thought we had the best view of the mountains.....

I just saw the "PLAN" on the board for Linda: morphine for pain feeding 6 pm until 7 am.....chair 3 times per day. The "GOAL" is to have her "Eat Again! for Strength"


Anonymous said...

I didn't get a chance to read yesterday and was overwhelmed today when catching up with all the last 48 hours has been like for you both. I think of you both all day every day and my heart goes out to you. Linda is so blessed to have you, Dave, as are all of us to have you both as our special friends. I am praying right now for a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself Dave or they will have to pull up a bed for you in the hospital beside Linda and then what will Sadie do. Love ya, Judy

Anonymous said...

Hey, you two, you had better behave yourselves. We don't want to read that you got "kicked out" for bad behavior!
All kidding aside, a good sense of humor is worth alot at this time. Now if you start "racing" down the halls..........

Cheryl Jones said...

Well, you're having some fun now, huh? Okay, maybe not. I just don't know what to say some days, so...

Stay strong, stay positive and know that I'm thinking of you and sending all kinds of love your way.

Unknown said...

see my comment about Sadie on 9-13 - just in case you wondered if this happens to others.

Give our dear Linda a hug and kiss for us. We miss you two.

Terese and Neil