Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday Evening....September 19th

"Loopy Linda"......"in and out"..."in and out"..."in and out" goes the day for Linda...

The pain is still intense but it is managed with the baseline flow and the pump.....Linda is "eating" right is a process that will take all night.....

Linda's "vitals" are good and stable....

The last transfusion is in process....

Tomorrow is another day....My hopes are for a stronger (dietary, painless, rested and good attitude) day for Linda...maybe even a bit less "loopy.


ps...Sadie says"hi"...her special food costs $1.60 per day..her medication is $5.00 per day...she is facing a surgery that was $1,100 last time ..more like $1,300 this time.....anybody want to "rent"a very loving dog from us for a few months?


Lindy said...

Linda and Dave- Hang in there. Our prayers are with you. I am so sorry you both have to go through all of this. You are both amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you both. I was reading your journey last night and saw that several friends were going to pray at 10 pm. I joined them. May our prayers be with you and your family.

Ron Morlan
RAC 69

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, both of you (and Sadie too). At least with Linda being in the hospital, she is getting the help she needs, and hopefully this is giving you, Dave, a break too.

Stay strong, and keep believing. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you daily.

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Dave and Linda,

We are reading your blog every day. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Jack and Liz

Anonymous said...

Dave, Please tell Linda to use the
"Push to Pass" button often--that's
why it's there! Today should be a
much better day for you both. We appreciate your sense of humor through all of this Dave--you are an awesome "caregiver" to Linda. Thoughts, prayers and love are being sent to you both from all of your racing buddies--things are going to get better soon. Hang in there. Our best, Julie and Bob Brown