Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wednesday Evening....September 26th

Today Linda went in for radiation session 27...with 7 sessions left after this one.....she went in with a set of problems including the persistent burping...the upper chest pain...and then...and then..she got sick (nauseated) on the way into the radiation session...losing all the liquids she had consumed in the morning.....we figure she got "car sick"......

The solution to the nausea even though it was quick in coming to practice a little prevention by taking a nausea medication each morning.

After the radiation...7 more to go!!!!!!!

We went ot meet with the medical oncologist..the nurse practitioner...Susie....the task was to first eliminate any heart the pain in the chest.....a EKG was done as well as some blood testing..all were it was thought the pain was muscular or....., caused by the burping perhaps....

The burping will be addressed by more will be a matter of experimentation as no absolute answer is known....we do know the GAs X was worthless.

Linda did an hour of hydration to replace the fluids lost or not taken in. Tomorrow she will be rechecked and additional hydration will be provided.

Linda's brother Marlin and sister in law Joni came over today to spend a few days helping with is greatly appreciated as another set of eyes is great in this situation. And the same appreciation goes to those who have helped before and others who will in the future.



Anonymous said...

Thinking of you Mom! I love you so much and you are in my thoughts all day long, even when I can't talk to you or be with you.
Love, Janine

Anonymous said...

Denise..thanks for the ideas..we were looking for a lost email..when it was a comment on the blog...duh!

Linda and Dave

Anonymous said...

You might want to ask your Doctor if any of the excessive burping and reflux problem can be linked to a problem in her diaphragm. I will soon have email at home. We finally bought a laptop that was reasonable to run with the new Windows Vista(takes a lot of memory)
I am glad to help, anytime.

Anonymous said...

Yeah.....7 more to go! Let the countdown begin. Linda, every day, you meet the next challenge head-on. You continue to be an inspiration.
Glad you have Dave and the crew to help out. Hope I have been able to send some healing energy your way, too.

Wendy Soethe said...

Yea, only 7 more to go! We are all doing well up in Seattle. Wendy went to the doctor today and found out the four-week cough is from a minor bacterial infection and is on antibiotics. Chris is finishing up his second internship this week and they liked him so much at the school he was at that they've set him up for his final internship and student teaching with the same class, which is great. Taigen has been really working on obeying and has been getting great daily reports from her teachers. We love you both and everyone that is helping out, sending up prayers and writing on the blog. There are so many people united in this battle!

Love, Chris, Wendy and Taigen

Julie Miles said...

I love you Linda.... You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday... Jillian sends you lots of Kisses everynight with the pic she has by her bed... She is so sweet!
We all hope you get better soon and that the pain becomes managable....
Love you both, Julie

Anonymous said...


You were really setting a new fashion trend there with the face mask. Perhaps you could start marketing your own line. The fad could really catch on!

Just wanted you to know I think of you often throughout the day, wondering how you're feeling and hoping your spirits are up.

Start the

Shelly Paul