Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wednesday Late...September 12th

Not a good evening for Linda..after nausea all day along with the esophagitis...she lost to the nausea...which was made worse by the sore she is in bed for the night...and I am keeping a close watch on her. It was an awful day for her...I can only hope for a better day tomorrow.

I've been reading a book called The Four-Fold Way, Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer and Visionary. It is about attending to the health of our "inner" and "outer" houses...that is, inside ourselves and the world we live in. It examines four archetypes (patterns of behavior) to live in harmony and balance with our envirnoment and inner selves. It draws on the teaching of ancient tribes for direction.

Anyway, a piece caught my eye tonight:

When I awake in the morning,
It is either the very next day
after many, many days.
Or it is the very first day.
Today is the first day
Of what exists now.

I catch myself growing weary of this cancer treatment and effects thereof...until I remind myself this is the path to the cure and each day is the "new normal". I also struggle with living in the future instead of being current.....the remedy is to stop and notice and bring myself back to the present. This is the best supporter I can be.


ps.....I'm also reading the Harry Potter books (why not?)....I'm just finishing the second book...wouldn't it be nice to just wave the magic wand and...and.....


Anonymous said...

Dave and Linda,
Your honesty and openness as you take us through your journey continue to make you special in our hearts. As you share your ups and downs, you give us the opportunity to learn, cry, celebrate with you. What an incredible ride this is! We met through auto-racing, but you remind us that we are part of the HUMAN RACE. When you mention books or sayings that have inspired you, that gives us inspiration, too. Please keep in mind that you two are such a gift to those whose lives you touch. Thanks for being YOU!

Anonymous said...

Peter and I have been thinking of you and reading the blog every chance we get. My PDA wouldn't let me send a comment, though.

We BELIEVE in you and believe that you will beat this.

Love from all at Caliente.

Cheryl Jones said...

Dave - As you read those Harry Potter books, you'll see more and more the difficult sacrifices Harry has to make to bring peace to himself and to his world. Silly as they may seem, there will be a lot in those novels that may help both you and Linda. Plus, they're just a joy to read!

Sending you good thoughts to stay strong and be a pillar for Linda.