Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday Morning...September 19th

"Loopy Linda".......

Day 2 in the hospital..........

Linda is "kinda loopy"...they increased the baseline morphine during the night as well as increased the "push to pass" (only Champ Car fans will understand this inside joke)...basically if Linda still has pain she can gain more morphine by pushing a button...she is allowed more every six minutes...and the machine calculates the amount of pushes she makes which gives them information on her pain level, etc.......the morphine has her a bit "drugged up", hence "loopy".

Please remember "pain management" is the primary reason she is here in the hospital.

Linda has a slight fever this morning....and they are treating her for that....I am grateful once again she is here in the hospital as that would have been another worry at home.

Linda is being "fed" (though the tube) from six pm and then all we are on course with that objective too.

Linda didn't sleep well.....I met with the nurse supervisor this am and they are going to get Linda a sleep aid for tonight...they are going to "mirror" what we have been doing at home which has worked...hospitals are a bit noisy and she sleeps for 5 minutes and then a noise wakes her up (plenty of those) or the pain wakes her up (which is why they increased the baseline morphine).

They have WIFI in the hospital so look for plenty of information as I have "time on my hands".

The folks at the Vet clinic took Sadie for the day and will work on her issues...we are putting off surgery for the bladder stones until Linda is better and the stones "may" disappear with the diet and the medications she is on.....they are going to groom her today we missed our appointment because of Linda...

Sadie looked and looked for Linda last night...she was a bit puzzled why she wasn't there..she has sensed a problem with Linda and has stayed very close to her "protective".....

Anyway, enough of this..I think daughter Janine comes in tonight for 4 days..Jim had to go home last night because of work today..he will be back Monday....and I know others are in the loop for coming....We'll probably see Jeff today as it is his day off.

Thanks to all for their support...thoughts and prayers.....yesterday during admittance, Linda "ran" into Pastor Paul who used to be the pastor in the church Linda attended....both of us think so much of him and he will be stopping by..this is a real bonus...running into him was "synchronystic", "meant to be".



Anonymous said...

I think we are all breathing a sigh of relief. Glad both of you are getting more help, including Sadie.
I have never heard of wi-fi at the hospital....maybe I never had to ask. That should keep you busy, Dave.

KatieB said...

Hey Linda and Dave,

I am wishing for great days ahead for you and I am sure they will come. You know what they say...when it rains it poors and then the sunshine comes!!

I am sitting here at teh PCM shop today after arriving here from Las Vegas where I was with my husband celebrating their CHAMPIONSHIP!! YAHOO!!! was tough but it happened!!

I miss you guys. KB

Unknown said...

Linda and Dave,
Stay positive. You will be coming home soon and you will have gotten the upperhand on the pain and the cancer....picture you in all your glory at the wedding of your son on the sunny beaches of Mexico..