Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday Evening....October 15th

Day 10 of healing.......One step back...two steps forward....

Linda did pretty good today....she consulted with the hospital dietition and Home IV nurse and learned a lot about what is going on with her body...and this feeding "stuff".

Where we had understood the healing of the esophagus would take 10 to 14 days after the last radiation we learn the whole thing with the esophagus and weaning off the "tube feeding" and all can take as long as two was suggested the real timeline is 6 weeks to two months to get back on "real food. Not only is the pain of the esophagitus a concern but also the amount of calories ingested (by the "tube" or by mouth) can be a lengthy process to transition from one to the other and receive adequate nourishment.

We are working on perhaps "taking off" for a week before Linda needs to be tested and back in the "druges of chemo" all depends on how Linda is feeling.



Anonymous said...

Hi you two! Just returned from Montana to see family. Sorry you could not go to the wedding. I know you were looking forward to it. Imagine it was a good decision though. A little trip for you sounds nice. Hope you can do that. Thinking of you every day, every moment.


Anonymous said...

Say, you guys will really be able to help others go through something like this because I can't believe how much knowledge you have. But knowing you two why can't I believe it. duh. I hope the cancer center will use you guys to help others when you are healed. That trip sounds great.
Love you guys,
Janet and Ken

Cheryl Jones said...

Definitely take that trip! A weekend away will help you both feel better and aid your recovery.

So glad to hear that you have the necessary info for the length of time it will take to heal and get back to eating real food. Don't push yourself (although I understand the desire)!

My best to you both, as always. Much love and many positive thoughts for your continuing recovery process.