Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday Night...October 1st

1 more radiation session down...4 to go.....

Linda did another session today...Sister in law LaVelle went along as well. I also got a replacement feeding meter to make sure no troubles there....

Linda is holding her own with some more pain in the esophagus as well as other increasing side effects....we started the hormone repalcement program today which had stopped as a result of the inability to swallow pills....getting medications in "patches" and liquid form helps a lot.

The key is to keep her active to the extent she can and "push though" to the end of things.

No decisions have been made on the Mexico trip yet..we were supposed to leave next Monday for 7 days with the Jim/Jenn Mexican wedding a week from this Thursday. Now it seems we will fly out a week from wenesday or not at all.....we shall see....

These were pictures from a Windjammer cruise we took to the Grenadines last fall...we just cancelled out on this year's trip because of the pending treatment schedule....these will serve as our reminder of past good times...with more coming to us...but not right away.



Julie Miles said...

Cute pics.... at first I thought in the last pic that it was Linda's arm... and was thinking... wow she has a hairy arm:)... I am assuming it is Dave's, but I definently did a double take.

Hugs and Kisses to all of you! I love you so much...


Cheryl Jones said...

So very glad you only have 4 more to go!! I do hope you make it to the wedding. If not, everyone will understand and I'm sure all will celebrate with you when you're ready.

How great that you could make use of the walker Manic put together for Dave! The coolest walker on the planet!

Love to you both.