Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday Evening......October 21st

16th Day of Healing....Not a Bad Day

Linda felt pretty good dressing up and "not acting like a cancer patient" today.......for John's Celebration of was a moving celebration with a Wings and Indian foundation (which won't make sense to a lot of people reading this).....

Anyway, Linda is having a day much like yesterday....some pain but much different than a few days ago....and that's the good news. She continues to become more aware of and involved in her day to day affairs....takes a little off my back.

For race fans...Sebastian Bourdais won the Australian Champ Car race and the series championship for the 4th time...Lewis Hamilton had a bad day in Brazil in the last Formula One race and lost the championship....and Jeff Gordon came in 3rd and still leads the NASCAR series with 5 races to go.

Oh, and Boston is ahead 1 to 0 as I write this...go Red Sox! (But we will ultimately be behind the Colorado Rockies in the Series to support Denver based John Chase....who has taken us to a few Rockies games over the years).


PS...Last night I was remembering the words..."what a difference a day makes"...and thought I remembered a song titled the same...I looked it up and it is most it is:

What a difference a day made
Twenty-four little hours
Brought the sun and the flowers
Where there used to be rain

My yesterday was blue, dear
Today I'm part of you, dear
My lonely nights are through, dear
Since you said you were mine

What a difference a day makes
There's a rainbow before me
Skies above can't be stormy
Since that moment of bliss, that thrilling kiss

It's heaven when you find romance on your menu
What a difference a day made
And the difference is you


Cheryl Jones said...

Glad you're still getting a handle on recovery. A small step each day.

How about that Seabass? 4th Championship in a row. Wow! And Lewis Hamilton... my Dad went ballistic about that one. So close.

Keep getting better, Linda. Keep believing... you're getting there.

Unknown said...

I got your blog info from Gail Mayer @ Chintimini Uniserv. I asked about you and so one thing led to another and here I am. Sounds like Linda is a fighter and she's coming back to health with a vengence. Linda I belive Dave introduced us at an RA many moons ago in Portland.Good luck and God bless keep up the good fight. Dave if it had not been for you my first year of teaching I don't know what would have happened. I feel I owe my career to you for your assistence with the "Todd Disney" thing. If theres any thing I can ever do for you folks please call.
Walt Marchel
Lincoln County EA 1984-2003
NEA-R 2003-present
(541)265-5631 home
(541)270-1663 cell
Newport, Oregon