Sunday, October 7, 2007

Sunday Evening.......October 7th

2nd day of healing..........

Today was pretty much an uneventful day...until late this afternoon when Linda got quite bloated....why....who knows....just seemed to be something that crept in to spring something new... in addition, her pain shot up..much more than earlier this day or in the past few took a lot of pain medication to bring it back down.

Linda's brother Norman came over from the Valley to visit...before he heads off to Africa....which he serves in a missionary function every couple of years...he is heading to Uganda again.

We are still uncertain about Mexico...we would be leaving Tuesday for Portland as the flight is out of Portland at 6:45 am on Wednesday (which means we have to get to the airport at a very early hour) it won't be too much longer till a decision has to be made. At this point it seems risky with Linda not stabilized.....and the fact of not having her doctors close....we shall see what tomorrow brings.

This is the award Linda received for her work with the American Cancer Society in 1984-85.....and she has supported it by contributions since.



Wendy Soethe said...

Just wanted to say Good Morning!
I'll be giving you a call later today to see how today is going. My prayers are going up this morning that God will help you decide what is best for you this week. I'll love it if we go down to Mexico together for the wedding but you need to take care of you first.
Love, Wendy

Cheryl Jones said...

Linda - Congratulations on finishing your radiation treatments!! So proud of you for making it all the way through with such grace and style. You have been such an inspiration.

You and Dave both need to take some time now to breathe, rest and recover. Don't push yourselves too hard. If you decide you can't travel to the wedding, everyone will understand and will bring the celebration to you in some way. You need to take care of yourselves first.

All my love to you both!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear this session is over and I know you will be healed. So much for the body to take, it is just overwhelming what you have gone thru. Through it all, you always seem to have a smile for everyone. Do your best to rest now so you can heal. Both you and Dave deserve some time off and I hope you will get it. I am so very proud of you both, I admire your strength and your courage. Love you, Judy

Anonymous said...

What a roller coaster ride you guys take every day. It just proves you have the strength to take those up and downs. Remember God doesn't give you any more than you can take. You both are survivers. Hang tight.