Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tuesday Afternoon....October 9th

Day 4...

Things aren't getting better...things are going the opposite direction for Linda...increased nausea and increased pain...which is wearing her down....we've got a call into the doctor but have yet to hear back. Today is the day off for the nurse practitioner and her nurse.....so we wait.

The medications are being given at maximum now with no real relief.....they work temporarily for a short period....we're not quite sure when this thing is going to make the turn for the better.



Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you are in such pain and suffering emotionally and physically, but I do not feel a bit sorry for that dying tumor in your chest.
Prayers for you,
Love Denise

Anonymous said...

I have come to casually know you through CCWS. You have touched me deeply. Not only do I find you inspiring, I also find you a good role model for people of all ages. The last time I saw you was in Sebring in Feb. Although I didn't not speak to you or Dave as you were both hard at work. (imagine that). At Road America last year you treated my wife & children so well they still ask about you.I guess what I am trying to say is you have left a mark on me & I try to be more like you everyday.

I have confidence in you because you ARE special. I excited to talk to you after your recovery. God Bless, Tim C

Anonymous said...

Linda and Dave,

We have been following your ups and downs for the past few months. Sorry that you both have had to experience (not the best word) this Cancer. We know from caring for Kay's Dad (with lung cancer) and Mom (stomach cancer) that your life is on a roller coaster and it is hard to cope with all that is required. Thank God that you are both strong and have each other as well as a wonderful family and friends network to be there to assist you both. We do read the blog and think of you both often. We will be out of the country til Nov. 30, but will attempt to watch your healing and progress from Internet cafes. We are sure that one of these days you will be off on more healthful adventures that are waiting for you.
Much love, Kay and John Garcia

Cheryl Jones said...

Hold fast, Linda!! It will get better. Just keep believing.

My love to you and Dave, as always.