Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday Evening......October 16th

Day 11 of healing......small steps...

Not a bad day today....we took a long walk on a brisk day...summer is looking like it's history.

Linda isn't attempting to eat anything...focusing instead on healing the esophagus and drinking 20 ounces of water a day.....there were too many "side affects" showing up clouding the basic issues....so it's tube feeding for a bit longer than we had originally figured.

Tomorrow Linda sees her "regular doctor" for the first time....a new "regular doctor"...last spring her regular doctor quit her practice while we were in Florida so Linda had no clue until she needed to go for her normal checkup. Surprise, surprise......and you know what it takes to get to see a new doctor....which is kind of how Linda ended up in Urgent Care for her "cough" (first signs of where we are today). Once Linda got the new doctor, the oncologists and nurse practitioner wanted her to delay seeing the new doctor as things are/were pretty "screwed up" because of the radiation and chemo. The new doctor wouldn't be able to do much in that situation. Anyway, tomorrow Linda will get to see the "regular doctor" for the first time.....for a checkup for the "normal things".



Anonymous said...

Your "new doctor" is going to love you! What a model patient you are. He(or she?) doesn't know what he has been missing!

Cheryl Jones said...

A checkup for the "normal things" - kind of neat, isn't it? Good to get back to normal doctor visits.

Best thoughts to you for continuing recovery, as always.