Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tuesday Evening...October 2nd

1 more radiation session done...3 to go....

More importantly, we met with the "big dude" today.....Mr. Medical Oncologist himself......Dr. Kornfeld has been in Europe for three weeks but today was the big meeting...we learned:

1. Linda will now have 4 weeks off (after Friday's last session)....she will met with him again on October 30th to determine the next steps.

2. Linda will have a CT scan on October 29th to determine the status of the tumors, etc..

3. The scan and the meeting with the Oncologist will determine nest steps.....it makes sense now why things were a bit evasive to this point about the "next steps"...although we were told "this and that" will happen in the beginning.

4. Linda's Fentanyl patch as been doubled in strength to ease her pain...and it seems to be working...when the stronger patch was put on her earlier she had much nausea...this time they think they have"worked her" onto the stronger medication...by starting with a smaller dose.

Linda is also getting the tube feeding handled and drinking the water requirements. With three days to go, our hope is that Linda can maintain ........she sure has the attitude.

Regarding Mexico.....Jim and Jenn are getting married in Mexico a week from this Thursday. We were scheduled to fly out next Monday morning for Mexico and return the following Sunday. This trip has always been in the backs of our minds..especially with the delays along the way...any "cushion of time" was being removed.

This trip was discussed with the Doctor today...there is nothing medically to prevent Linda from going..IT is all about how she feels. She wants to go badly....it is important to her....as the Doctor said.."she will decide" and "it is too early for her to know if she can go".

With that in mind, we are (for sure) backing our departure off until the day before the wedding...to give her some more time...

Linda asked about the feeding tube.....the Doctor said "she will know when it's ready to come out"....most likely it will be a week or two after this Friday. Linda will start to drink and eat nourishments and then when she can maintain her calories that way..the tube can come out....

That's about what we know today.



Julie Miles said...

I am so glad to hear all of the updates tonight. Thank you Dave for sharing...
My prayers are with you both everyday... Please always know I am only a phone call away. I hope the two of you are enjoying some well needed and deserved time with Darron & Lavelle... I am sure they are taking very GOOD care of the two of you...
Let me know if you need anything from me while we are in Mexico... I would love to come over for the day and sit and visit or do whatever you may need...

I love you both...
Julie, Jillian & Family

Anonymous said...

Only 3 more radiation sessions to go... am sure you can see the checkered flag! Woo hoo!!

Keep up the great work you're doing with your nutrition, Linda.

Take care, and have a great week! You're both in our thoughts and prayers every day.

Jim and Swee

Whitehoopster said...

Dave & Linda

Sounds like things are taking a turn for the better. You both deserve a little break (actually a very long break). Maybe with radiation ending this week, some rest and a break from daily treatments you can make the trip to Mexico. I bet a change of scenery sure couldn't hurt.

In the interim, if there is anything we can do here in Florida...please let us know!

How's Sadie? Miss you!

Ernie & Kim

PTRacing said...

It's great to hear things are starting to get brighter. With only 3 more treatments I bet that Mexico trip is looking better all the time to. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Take Care Wayne