Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wednesday Evening....October 10th

Day 5....a puzzle answered?

In the shower today, Linda found that she had lost her fentanyl (pain) patch.....later this afternoon, she discovered that a sweat shirt she had worn the last two days was the culprit. The fleece inside the shirt had caught on the patch and torn it off...maybe two days ago? This most likely contributed to the pain increase. Linda was wearing the sweat shirt as things are starting to "cool off" in Central Oregon.....

The Clinic called this morning and wanted Linda to come in after she described her increased nausea and pain.....Linda went in and was given two nausea medications that are long term...3 to 5 days....this is to support the medications she takes for nausea at home.....she also was given hydration as her water intake was less yesterday as a result of the pain and vomiting.

So tonight the pain is still high as the fentanyl patch takes time to "kick in". Our hope is that things settle down and she "turns the corner" and starts showing some healing.



Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Linda. Hope the patch is starting to work again and you start feeling better soon.

Our thoughts and prayers are always with you and Dave.

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

At least there is a logical explanation about the pain. We think of you often. See you in the spring!

Anonymous said...

When I was on the patch I had to put a big bandaid over it so that it would stay on. The shower loosens it up and then things get caught on it. It is good that you discovered the problem and solved the mystery!


cindy bradshaw said...

Great job you are doing Dave with keeping up on Linda's progress, and what is happening in your lives. John and I went to our Bible study last night and we prayed for pain relief and gaining strenght for Linda. There are a lot of people rooting for you two, and an abundance of love. Great seeing you and catching up at the hospital the other day. When Linda can eat let me know and I will make another batch of soup. This is a hard day not being able to go to the wedding, but as Linda said She will be much stronger and better able to make the reception. Take care you two.

Anonymous said...

Linda, ask the Dr. for some Hypafix. It is a tape that holds on anything. It comes in a box. A friend of mine gave me a box of it, and it holds on bandaids, patches for cigs. smoking, anything. Through showers and washing your hands a million times. It really works great. I am reall sorry to hear about all the pain you are suffering. I pray that it decreases soon. I couldn't even imagine. Anyway Love Ya, BOTH. Hang in there Lady. Lil Sis

Anonymous said...

Here's to that patch kicking in soon and staying ON!!! :)