Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wednesday Evening....October 31st

26th Day of Healing......

Not much new to report today...we went searching for "bacteria" to assist Linda's GI...we shall see.....things are still acting up and she is eating very slowly and in small amounts several times a may take some time to get back to "normal".

I did some research on Toxol last night and who knows what the side effects can be...we've heard cramping...tingling in the finger tips....etc the sites all mention the possibility of nausea with hair loss etc. etc.....we remember each person is only hope is she has an easier time this least it won't "fry" her esophagus.....which started many of her recent problems.

We are going to Florida this Saturday and returning on the 18th..prior to her first session in the first cycle. We both agree a change in scenery might be helpful...particularly one that is warm.

We got the RV put away for the winter today...and celebrated son Jeff's birthday last night...a month or so late....son in law Chris' birthday was yesterday so we're a bit late on that one too...


ps..Linda continues to struggle with what was said yesterday at the doctor appointment...she is very close to her emotions as a result.....she is not sure if he was saying the follow up treatments weren't really needed or wouldn't make a difference and when he said she might want to go a year before the next CT scan as it wouldn't make a difference (she has decided to wait the year and not worry) we are going to clarify these things and others at our next appointment..just to make sure she is fully aware of what is being said.


PTRacing said...

Hi Linda and Dave, just want to wish you well on your trip to Florida. Relax and enjoy the sunshine their.

All the best

Cheryl Jones said...

Don't worry too much about those CT Scans, Linda. Usually, when they say they only want to scan you once a year, it means they're not too worried about anything bad happening. Everything should be status quo. Do get a clarification, but I'd wager that's what he meant.

Glad you're getting a bit of time in Florida. Some sunshine and warm weather will do you a world of good!

Love to you both, as always.


Anonymous said...

You're doing GREAT Mom! I know you're worrying, because you're a mom, and moms always have to worry about something... BUT- let us to do the worrying for you, and you just kick back, make yourself a malt shake and watch some Oprah! I can't wait to see you tomorrow or Saturday when you bring by Sadie!!

Love, janine

Anonymous said...

Have a great time in Florida... am sure it'll do both of you some good to have a change of scenery. Relax and just keep the positive thoughts!

You both deserve this "break."

Always thinking of you!

Jim and Swee