Friday, December 28, 2007

Friday Evening....December 28th

A quiet day today..........

Today Linda and I have been very quiet....keeping our heart rates down.....waiting for the new meds to have their chance to start takes a few days to "wash out the old ones let the new ones work".....

A friend, Roger Traweek, came by to visit and share a CD of music and poetry he had done....."a calming CD" for Linda to listen to....Roger is very talented with words and poetry...a gifted man. We know the CD will bring much's title: "Bad Times Forgotten".

It is quiet here after having so many here a day or two ago. We hope for a quiet and uneventful weekend.



Anonymous said...

We hope you have a quiet and uneventful weekend too. :) Just relax, listen to some soothing music, and have a lovely peaceful couple of days.

Take care, you two!

Always thinking of you,
Jim and Swee

Unknown said...

amazing how good doing nothing can feel after a hectic, fun filled Holiday...Enjoy!