Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sunday Evening....December 23rd, 2007

Church day today.......

Today we got up and went to our "old" Bend church...quite a drive but worth it...Linda was able to connect with folks and the service was good.....I did find all that standing up a bit much but I survived it all.

Linda even treated Janine and I to lunch at Izzy's (I'm cured of that place for a while).

The rest of the day has been uneventful....with a good dinner and all. Once the Amazing Race is over it's off to bed as tomorrow the multitudes arrive...I'll have to remember to breathe deeply tomorrow....



Anonymous said...

The Amazing Race has nothing on what the two of you have been through this year. Just let those contestants journey through the medical world for a few months!
Have a wonderful day with the multitudes.

Anonymous said...

Mery Christmas
I pray that it will be a loving, unadventful day for the entire family.
I am so glad this round is so much bettter than the last round of chemo for you Linda.
I hope the New Year brings blessings of health for both of you.
Ths Space Shuttle is waiting for you to come to Florida.
Love Denise

Peter Leung said...

Happy Holidays Linda & Dave! It was a very rough year but you both took it in stride. Next year promises to be far better and I wish you two all the best heading into 2008. <3

PS: I hope one day I'll have the pleasure of enjoying Linda's handy baking work... =)

Cheryl Jones said...

Merry Christmas! I hope the holiday finds you surrounded by your loved ones and feeling your best (both of you). Relax a little and soak in all the love that comes your way.

My love to you both, as well as my wishes for a warm, happy holiday and a peaceful New Year.

Anonymous said...

I'm saying my prayers for you this Christmas Eve. Think of you every day and send good vibrations your way. Wishing you both a healing time and very, very Happy Christmas with your family. Love you, Ginnie