Saturday, December 29, 2007

Saturday Evening.......December 29th, 2007

Not a bad day for Linda today.....she remained in pretty good shape all day....this should last through at least the beginning of the 3rd cycle when starts with the infusion of the Taxol on Wednesday....Linda is having a cough which has raised our concern a bit....we will surely discuss this with the Oncologist on Wednesday.

My blood pressure dropped a lot today...quite low for a while..discussed it with the doctor who is speculating that the one medication is starting to control things and the blood pressure medication needs to be stopped for two days to see what happens....we shall see.

Pictures sent today showing what those who left the day after Christmas saw heading out our drive

Below is a drive across the mountain pass...everyone made it safely and slowly

Son in law Chris and Granddaughter Taigen tried out the Children's Museum in Seattle...we got them season tickets for Christmas...Daughter Wendy is taking the picture.



Anonymous said...

Cool pictures....send some snow our way. It's too boring around here right now!
Remember to breath, even when your Bride takes your breath away, Dave.
Linda, take it easy on him.

Anonymous said...

Hey you two. Glad to hear you had a wonderful Xmas, with your kids. I am envious, of the love shared with you and your family. That is a dream I have, that one day my whole family will sit down and share a holiday together. I miss those Xmas's we shared Dave, as kids. If only....Anyway take care and Love Ya, Both, Lil Sis

Ernie said...

Linda & Dave

I just finished the book "The Secret". I know you know the book well. As I finished the chapter on gratitude I sat for a few minutes to think about all of the things we are grateful for in our lives.

We are so blessed in so many ways. I wanted to let you know that we are so grateful that we have met the two of you. You have taught us a lot, especially this year with your many challenges. Just wanted to let you know you were on the very very top of our "gratitude" list.

Miss you both.

Lots of Love

Kim & Ernie