Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Tuesday Evening....Christmas Night...December 25th, 2007

A good day with family and illnesses forgotten......


Today was a good Christmas...we didn't allow our illnesses to get in the way...Linda really had a good day....tired tonight but felt the day was very fullfilling....her many faces:

And more:



Julie Miles said...

Linda and Dave

I love you both so much. I am so glad that Jillian was able to be with you this year for Christmas. What a wonderful gift you gave to all of your Children and Grandchildren. Gifts from the heart with so much meaning and history will be loved more than anything else you could have given them.

We are all so blessed to have both of you in our lives. I am thankful everyday for your love and friendship.

I miss you and love you...


Anonymous said...

We are far away, but thinking of you both with loving hearts....glad you had a good day and had so many family around to help and give the caregiver a break...take care of yourself!

John and Kay

Anonymous said...

Dave and Linda,

Great to see the wonderful pictures from Christmas... and even better to hear that everything went well for both of you health wise. I'm sure it helped to have the family there with you.

Enjoy the holidays... rest, relax, and bask in the love from your family and friends.

We're always thinking of you, and praying that your day is a wonderful one!

Jim and Swee