Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday Evening....December 15th, 2007

Not much new to report...

Today linda and I had a low key day...focusing on the medications and the regimes we are to follow...I'm not too comfortable with things either way but we have to try things the Doctors dictate to get the solutions...I am always a bit nervous because it is a weekend.....seems like this entire events from the beginning has been on a weekend.

Linda is doing much better this round with the pain...the steroids must be doing the trick...she also is drinking water like a champ to avoid the low blood pressure last round which led to some "ER time".


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hear that this is an uneventful weekend. Trying to keep up with the two of yours ups and downs has truly been a rollar coaster ride. Chad continues to repair after back surgery eight. He can lift nothing heavier than a gallon of milk, so that keeps things low key around here. Praying for you because we believe.