Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday Evening....December 18th, 2007

Linda continues to make it through cycle 2.....

Today was a day at Doctors and more Doctors..not for the primary patient but the caregiver...cutting back on medications ...checking out other sources for the high blood pressure, etc. Tomorrow I go to a bio feedback screening to see if there is help there....we have pretty much figured out all is anxiety based...now finding the solutions is the task at hand. Linda has had a difficult journey and somehow it got the caregiver wound up in trouble. That old adage "take care of yourself first" is what we tried to follow..another great statement is "you have to walk in these shoes to experience what we've been through". The good news is we are doing the best we can do.

Linda meets Friday with the Oncologist Nurse Practitioner...she hopes for good reports which she can then skate gleefully through Christmas.



Anonymous said...

For those of us who read the blog daily, I say that we can only imagine what the two of you have been through. Both of you are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Boy, you are right about walking in your shoes...it seems you have both been rushing thru one situation or another from the beginning. It is no wonder that you are each so worried about the other. The care giver is a very important supporter. When I was taking care of my mom, the Hospice folks were always asking how I was doing and urged me to take care of myself and ask for help. You are both so amazing and lucky to have each other!!
Kay Garcia

Anonymous said...

We hope that the biofeedback helps! Caregivers frequently forget to take care of themselves--thank goodness you're being proactive about the stress-induced hypertension. Fill your mind with happy images (like standing in the Festival curves with your gal while a pack of Champ Cars comes roarin' around the track)!

~Susan & Rick H.