Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thursday Evening.....December 27th

A day at the "Docs" today....

Today we started with Linda's dentistry work...the cleaning and checkup had been put off many times but this was the good week and the opportunity presented she has that behind her.

My blood pressure acted up on the way to had been contemplating this over the not much sleep and plenty of "breathing" and listening music, etc..

The Cardiologist was pretty good...he and his Practitioner formed a plan to get me back on track and feeling as I should. Some of the medications I have been taken might in fact have aggravated the they are will take about a week to see if the new combinations work well....I am not going back to the prior fate is in this Doc's hands.....wish me luck.

We got home tonight and Linda's pressure shot up.....where did that come from?......she thinks she will be needing to go back to her old pre cancer medications soon...we shall is still a bit unnerving.

Today we formally cancelled our spring and late summer adventures...the spring was a sailing trip for two weeks to Tahiti and the Cook Islands...the last summer trip was sailing off Italy and Greek Islands......these were trips of a lifetime but with the way our health issues have been, we decided the stress of it all would have been too we have much healing to we decided to stay close this year....close to Doctors....close to Hospitals....close to family....close to friends....there will be opportunities as we heal in body and mind.



Julie Miles said...

OK Dave and Linda... Please let me know if I can come and help in anyway. I have a few days off and I can always take more for family stuff... I am only a phone call away. My schedule now is more flexible and I am willing to help you in anyway I can. Please just let me know.

I cannot imagine all of the stress you two have to endour everyday. I do know that having someone there to help you can be very beneficial to both of you. Besides I miss you incredibly.

I am praying for you!


Anonymous said...

The new heart doctor sounds like a good plan...look at you from a new perspective. The caregiver is an important element in this health mix. As hard as it was, staying close to those you will need for a bit,may be the best choice. Just think how much fun it will be when the timing is better!! Love you both, Kay and John

Anonymous said...

Sounds good you feel confident in this new dr. Sorry to hear about your cancellations but happy because you will be close to who ever you need right away. I know the family feels good about that. Dave, you got to look after yourself. You are important too. Think of you two often and can't wait until I get to the computer to find out how everyone is doing. We continue to pray for Linda but I think I will put Dave on the prayer list too.
Janet and Ken