Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday Evening....Florida Time...February 22, 2008

Champ Car is no more........

Today we learned that Champ Car is "merging" into the Indy Racing League (IRL) it is no more. This is hard to "reckon with"...something we have worked so hard to make successful over the years. Also it hurts to see so many great folks losing their jobs today...we hope many will find new careers that fit their needs....thank you Champ Car for some exciting years.....

One part of us says "let's see what's out there and where we can fit in"...the other side says "maybe it's time to rest a bit and see what life brings us"...whatever it is, it will be what's best for both of us.

Hey...a sunny day today.....nice and warm too.....had to go to the airport to pick up our neighbor and family....and then "pool time".

Linda is feeling better each is great to see a smile on her face....she is still a ways from getting back on top but each day is a bit better. Linda feels for the folks working their hearts out at Champ Car....she also feels for the fans.....many of which have been her supporters from day 1 of her cancer....and she thanks each and every one for their support.

Someone asked about the Portland is gone....(dang).



Anonymous said...

Even though Champ Car is gone, I am thankful that Jim and I were able to meet both of you, and many others at the races. We treasure your friendship and hope that we can all still keep in touch. :)

Good to hear that you are doing better each day, Linda. Take it easy, relax, and enjoy each day with your very special hubby.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

The roller coaster ride we have been on with Champ Car this past few weeks is nothing compared to the bigger one the two of you HAD(and I do mean HAD) been on for far too long. It will be interesting to see what path we take in re-inventing our lives without Champ Car. John and I would never have met the two of you had the racing not put us all together. Thanks for helping us grow in so many ways!
As I sit here freezing-I think John turned the heat down-I am "Florida Dream'n."

Cheryl Jones said...

Please come to Long Beach, still. It would be such a joy to see you again and to have the chance for all of us to say goodbye to Champ Car together. Wouldn't be the same without you two.

This is a sad, sad day for us fans. All these years we've known each other, Dave & Linda, all thanks to Champ Car (and Jimmy Vasser). So sad to lose something that has meant so much to us.

Glad you finally got your much deserved sunshine. Let it fill your heart and bring you peace and good health.

My love to you both, now and always.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

Boy, too bad about Champ Car. We know you were so looking forward to get back in the soon as you were both able. There is probably something even better in store for you two!!! Glad Linda is improving..just take it one day at a time.
Love to you both, Kay and John