Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thursday Evening....February 7th, 2008

Day 16 of 21 Days...a "touch bit" better day.....

You can always tell when Linda is feeling a "touch bit" better......she gets tasky! And today was a day when she was in the office "going after it". BUT.....she missed her office chair (it's on rollers) at one moment as she was in her "taskiness"...and fell....hitting her tailbone...she survived it but recognized she needed to be more careful as she gets her energy back...and not rush things....a "hard" lesson.

Son Jeff came over for dinner and cards....."Yours truly" won both games...a first!...must be a result of my attentiveness to Linda...and now attentiveness to the cards!

Jeff and Linda (and Sadie "the Lady")

The winning hand (above) and the winning player (below)

3 more days and it's time to head north to fly to Florida!



Anonymous said...

SEE YOU IN FLORIDA!!!!!! Hope you have a good flight. Jennette and a friend will be with us....she wants to go to the Woods and play a card gamae (or 2)!!! Sounds like you are doing well....Dave`s pic is quite funny looking...oh thats just DAve anyway!! See ya on 2/22..thats when we get to Fla., DAve+Mindy

Jenn said...

Dave, I wouldn't believe the win if I hadn't seen it! I'm glad to see your back on the horse again. Chris and I are ready to take you on in Phase 10 if you can handle the pressure.
Linda, you look great! Can't wait to see pictures of you with a tan.
Love to you both and a big kiss.

Cheryl Jones said...

Great shots, Dave! You both look happy and healthy. It's just going to get even better when you make your way to Florida.

Hey, I'll be in FL, too, the end of the month! First trip ever to Disney World! I hope it's sunny and warm for both my visit and yours.

You're almost there guys. Just a few days to the wonderous healing powers of sunshine.

My love to you both, as always.