Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday Evening...Florida Time...February 19th, 2008

Some new news......

Linda called her Internist today regarding her heart rate and all...she was told to go to an Urgent Care and get an EKG.....so off we went....

When we got to the Urgent Care...it was now a Diet Clinic...duh!

So amazingly...as we tried to figure out our next move, we went by a Doctor's Clinic.....and yes they did EKG's and all....

Linda's EKG showed a slight irregularity...in the "Q wave" (whatever that is)..but most likely was due to the medication she was taking...the doctor wanted to phase her off the medication she was taking and go back on the Toporol which reduces the blood pulse and all...so she plans on doing that and faxed everything to her Internist in Oregon to look at.

While at the Clinic Linda had another XRay done of her lungs as she still has the cough...the doctor said it was the "tumors" causing it...as they still have a presence (but have been irradiated and "chemoed" and all...we are sending the XRays to the Oncol,ogist in Oregon to look at...the Doctor also prescribed cough syrup for the cough.....

So maybe we are moving ahead..as Linda says..if she could get rid of the cough and the elevated heart rate, she might start feeling better....so today we took some "first steps" to make that happen.



Anonymous said...

Hey Kids, I'm jealous of you guys, beautiful weather and the NASCAR, WOW. How exciting.. Tell Mick Hi.. Love You all. Hang in there Lil Lady, things will get better.. Just soak up the weather and enjoy the vacation away from everything. I Believe, everything will get better, and soon you will wake up and all the symptoms will be gone. Take care of you, and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love Ya, Lil Sis

Anonymous said...

I can't believe so much time has gone by since I last connected - it certainly is not about not thinking (and wondering) about the two of you.
Great to hear that the chemo and radiation are over and that Linda continues to get a little stronger each day.
How about you, Dave. I know that you are the one to be focused on as well. Take care of yourself - it has been a long haul for both of you.
Hey! There are 34 people signed up for CrossOver next week. It has been years since we have had anywhere near that number. Things are looking up for Wings. Hope I remember how to work with that many people. I am pretty excited.
My love to both of you.
Bev Foster