Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday Evening..Florida Time...February 13, 2008

Day 1 of chemo ....

Linda did ok today....slept until 11 am...short trip out...I did some grocery shopping and all....she's very tired....the fatigue factor.....

Tomorrow isn't supposed to be very good weather...Friday it gets much better...Mick arrives from Seattle so we can get ready of the Daytona 500.

Linda and I decided that for the first time since this all started in June, we are going to do the blog on a more irregular schedule instead of every day..there just isn't enough to will be.... got up.. went to pool..took a nap..took a dip..came home..took a nap...went to bed. Anyway we will report in once or twice a week...and if we haven't written anything new you can always leave a comment (or two) on the blog for her to read.


ps....we want a Champ Car season.....I'm getting soooo many emails wanting a season..let's just do it and have one...we promise to work harder!


Anonymous said...

Dave, Linda, there is NOOOOOOOO way the two of you could work any harder doing your Champ Car duties than you have in the past!
I like your agenda: Get up, go to the pool, etc. Sounds good to me!

Unknown said...

I will miss my daily blog, but can't believe you did it so faithfully through all of your trials..believe it or not, it was the first thing I read each morning..even before the front page! Take care of yourselves you are still in my prayers..

Anonymous said...

"ditto" works for me -- frankly, that'd be great news -- spend these next weeks healing and warming up and relaxing and energizing. You two deserve this. :-)

wrapping you in that golden glow of health!!!

from icy DC,

Julie Miles said...

I agree with all of the above... although I believe it has been a great tool for you Dave, and I am so grateful that you have shared your journey and Linda's journey with all of us.
I love you both and I want you to take some time and enjoy each other.. Put cancer aside and celebrate your love for each other and all of your accomplishmenst. You have concored large ICEBERGS... and definently taken quite alot of DIPS.... (Wings stuff)...
My thoughts, prayers and love are always with you....
Julie & FAM

Cheryl Jones said...

I agree that it's time for you to take it easy with the blog, although I will miss the daily updates. I kind of like the idea of reading about your naps and trips to the pool!

I will hope with all my heart that there will be a Long Beach Champ Car race this year and that I will see you both there. I admit, I have great doubt, but I will hold the glimmer of hope in my heart that Champ Car will succeed for at least one more year.

Have a great, relaxing time in Florida, you two. I'll keep checking the blog daily, so I don't miss any updates as they come.

Love to you both, as always!