Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuesday.....August 3....2010

Dave is in working on the wood floor, so I'm pinch-hitting for him. He paid an RV park neighbor by the hour to get him started today, and he'll come back and help him as he has extra time. I think he's enjoying his new skill. The tiler is almost done and the painters only have one long day left.

I had a scare yesterday. I called and talked to my Oncologist's nurse about some new symptoms I've been having. I thought maybe my pneumonia was coming back, but she was worried I might have a blood clot in my lungs. She sent me to the nearest ER to have a scan done. They couldn't use my port to put in the contrast for that particular scan, and the nurse couldn't find a good vein without using an ultrasound to find one. That tells you how bad my veins have become with this cancer. We're taking the scan to the oncologist tomorrow, so they can check it for cancer progress. Maybe it will take the place of the scan I was going to do in three weeks.

Past my bedtime, so I'll sign off. I love you guys!

Love and gratitude......Linda

Dave's post note.....

Finally quit working on the hardwood floor...I love it...I had my doubts but with the coaching today I'm confident now....Linda was still up when I finished....hope she sleeps in as tomorrow is a busy day...helping daughter Janine grout her bathroom floor tiling.....going to OHSU to drop off the scan Linda talked about....going to Lowes to pick up glass block for the tiler....going to friend Nancy's for dinner.....

It feels like we are over the "hump".....getting the painting down to one last day's work...the tiler has 2-3 days to finish...the hardwood floor is well under way....then the carpet folks will come and install the carpet....and the appliances arrive and are installed.....we will be reinstalling the sinks and toilets and doing some odd ball tiling...but nothing big.....we should start thinking about when to get our furniture over here....

Mrs. Wood seemed to be much better today than yesterday.....we need a string of good days to happen....

And...John Potts came by today to visit...a dear friend from Wings.....we have shared much together...it was great to see him as he will not be with us in the August Crossover Seminar as in many of the past few years...we will miss him...I will miss him....he is a good model of a human being for me.....the good news is he and his girl friend will be in the September Listening Heart Seminar for couples that Linda and I assist with...so that will be great and a bonus for us....


Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for some good news from the scan. It sounds like things are moving along with the house - can't wait to see pics when it's all done. We know it's going to be absolutely beautiful!

We are heading to Mid-Ohio for the Indy Car/ALMS races this weekend - hopefully I'll be able to catch up with Jimmy. :)

Take care... make sure you get some rest and not work too hard on the house.

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

What great great pictures. Looks like you had a lot of fun as you always do at the Jamboree. I will call later about your test, can't wait to hear how it went. I'm saying an extra prayer today. Love to you both. Judy

Anonymous said...

John is recovering from shoulder surgery, so I have been nurse and driver for the last few days. Glad to read that you had such a good time at the jamboree. Can't wait to see pics of the finished projects at the house.

shelly paul said...

Thanks for all the jamboree pics; they were great! It's so nice to see you two relaxing for once.

Keep us posted (we know you will!) on the scan findings. We're praying for the best for you.

Can't wait to see how gorgeous the new home will be soon. What a task!

Take care,
shelly & jason paul