Saturday, September 1, 2007

Saturday Evening..September 1st's the "bald lady"...Son Jim stopped by to visit so I got a picture of the two of them....

I was reminded that this weekend has been our NASCAR in Fontana, California (California 500)for years....I'm sure glad we didn't try to make it as the temperature was 105 degrees on the track today...we do miss old friends there though...maybe next year....

Linda did ok today..she feels "sick" but can't describe it as it isn't any sick feeling she's had before.....the headache has gone away...the esophagitis is still there along with the acid soup for her today.....maybe by Monday she'll feel "up".

The fire west of us burned hot today is at 1200 acres but no evacuations of the major resort, Black Butte Ranch is in a state of preparedness retardent airplanes flew over our house all day long....



Anonymous said...

Impressive picture of the plane fighting the forest fire and good picture of Jim and Linda.

Have a good weekend.

Love and prayers,
Ruth Ann

Lindy said...

Linda- You are beautiful inside and out!!!!!!!! I loved the pictures of you and Jim. Hang in there and have a good restful weekend

Anonymous said...

Still wrapping you in the golden haze of healing and joy, L. You're never far from my thoughts. I hope the eating/digestive issues settle down just as the fire is quenched. And bald IS beautiful!!! Truly. Your smile radiates such warmth and openness -- it's no surprise at all that you have such an extensive bevy of friends and family!!!


Anonymous said...

What a great picture of you and Jim! The smile on your face is as radiant as we know the spirit within you is at fighting the big C and grasping on to each good moment. Love to you both!

Anonymous said...

Everyone is right, you are beautiful, and what a gorgeous smile. You would never know you had all the trials and tribulations in your life with that smile. Keep the faith.. Your in my thoughts and prayers.. Love Ya, Lil Sis