Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday Evening....December 10, 2007

A strange turn of events......

Late last night Dave started feeling an escalated heart rate and pressure.....the blood pressure increased to over 190....clearly not good.....Linda called 911....they came and stabilized him...the pressure dropped into the upper 140's and they felt he could drive himself to the emergency we drove to Bend and sat while assessing the situation...things remained calm so we ended up coming back and went to bed.

This morning the blood pressure spiked the 180's...and then settled back again. Our friend Steve brought over a neat " BELIEVE" ornament made by his wife Kathy.....soon after he left, the pressure spiked again......

We decided to get a hold of Dave's doctor who had been treating him for the high blood pressure which started soon after Linda was diagnosed with cancer. Alas, his doctor was busy but they gave us another Doctor to see in two hours...we though decided to head down there (25 miles) immediately. During the ride, the pressure increased to over 205....enough was enough...we headed to the emergency room.

To make a long story short, Dave has hypertension brought on by his concern and apprehension about Linda.....the fix has been to double his blood pressure medication and a prescription of Ativan...which is like Valium...he is to focus on keeping calm, etc. etc. He has a follow up with his doctor next week. The doctors in the emergency room said this was a messenger...a good one..that this can be headed off and strokes and heart attacks will be something he will not have to worry about...good news although it felt like one was about to happen at the time.

Tomorrow Linda begins her second round of chemo...we hope we have much of it mapped out and can ease things a bit....blood pressure has played a big part in her routine also so we will work on solutions to that with the doctors this week.

Dave and Linda


Anonymous said...

Dave and Linda,
Cut it are getting us too excited out here in cyberland!
Time to take a deeeep breath.
Hope tomorrow has much less drama.

Anonymous said...

Now, you better get that pressure down. I'm expecting to see you next year at the RAC SJ Reunion. I need a guide to show me around, since things have changed so much in the past thirty years. Cathy and I have gotten our handicap room reservations at the Eagle Crest Resort.
We will be praying for both of you.

Your friend,

Ron Morlan

Anonymous said...

Dave and Linda,
I am saying a extra special prayer tonite for you both. Practice meditation, and breathing exercises. I usually can feel my blood pressure when it is spiking up. That is when I slow my breathing down and relax my whole being. Love Ya, Both Lil Sis

Anonymous said...

Linda - hope all goes well with your chemo treatment today.

Dave - hope you can "relax" a little and keep that blood pressure down.

Our thoughts and prayers are with both of you daily!

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Amen to getting us excited in cyberland. Slow down,Dave you are not superman. We are praying for you guys.Put your feet up and relax. Linda, take him to nap with you. Will miss you up date, but will be thinking about you guys.
We are on our way to Fl.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the hypertension--Dave, please take care of yourself! Hope the chemo goes well for Linda today.

~Susan & Rick H.